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Kettlebell Training During Pregnancy (Common Questions Answered)

I want to share an article I wrote for a Kettlebell Magazine in February of 2010.  Since my pregnancy in 2006 I have been a big advocate of using kettlebells during pregnancy. Not until my second pregnancy in 2008 did I film my first and only Pregnancy Kettlebell DVD, which really showed people that you can use a kettlebell when implemented properly throughout your pregnancy. I've also released Baby Bells 2 recently as well, which is available as a streaming version.  Shawn Mozen, owner of Agatsu, asked me to write this article, since training with kettlebells during pregnancy has become more and more accepted.  Women, their husbands, and other kettlebell instructors email me on a regular basis for advice on kettlebell training during pregnancy.  I truly enjoy discussing pre and postnatal fitness. With the research I have done along with my personal experience as well as working with many pregnant students over the years, both in person and online, it has become a passion of mine. This article provides answers to many of the common questions I receive. I've also provided a kettlebell workout designed for a fit pregnancy.  We have hundreds of testimonials of ladies who've had amazing pregnancies and labors due to adding this type of training in to their life!

Note: I'm not a doctor and this information is based on my own personal experience and research. Always ask a doctor first before embarking on any new program especially during pregnancy!



Julie said…
Excellent article!
Lindsey x said…
I was hoping that article was out soon! Thanks Lauren- great article. I'm coming up to 16 weeks and am managing to keep going with walking and kettlebells. I am thinking I'll swop to your babybels now however. It is so much harder this time around having the energy to do anything. Didnt realise that a 2 and half year old plus pregnancy would exhaust me so much! Very frustrating but thanks as ever for the motivation to keep going.
Mommy B said…
I did not start kettlebells until I was 5 months pregnant. I was pretty intimidated by it in the beginning, but now I can't say enough about the results. I have so much more energy, and strength already. I was also having some "pregnancy pains" that have completely stopped since starting kettlebells. I sleep better, and I am able to keep up with my 13 month old more than before. It has truly been life changing. I can't wait to see how kettlebells helps me with my labor and post pregnancy body!
Lauren Brooks said…
Julie, Thank you!!!

Lindsey, Congratulations on your pregnancy and being in your 2nd trimester. Naturally there will be weeks that are easier or harder than others. All you can do is your best when your energy allows. Even if it's only for 10 minutes!

Being pregnant for the second time is so much harder when you are chasing after a toddler. Chasing after a toddler alone is exhausting. Just know that what you are going through will prepare you for when the baby is here. Good luck and can't wait to here about your progress.

Kelly Lee, You rock is all I can say! You are an exception to the rule. You safely eased your pregnant body in to a gentle kettlebell routine. You have great body awareness which allowed you to do that safely. To have your pregnancy pains be eliminated is outstanding. Keep up the great work at BuggyBellz. We will miss you when you go. So funny that your little one is the same age as Chloe. Couldn't imagine being prego again though!!! You rock like I said!!!!!!!!!
Vanesza said…
This article is great! Thank you for posting. I bought your Baby Bell's DVD several months ago, and LOVE It! I love to train for strength and since being pregnant, needed some other ideas and discovered you! perfect! Now I have some new kettle bell exercises to work with and you as an inspiration. For those days when I am tired, I remember you mentioning that even short workouts are beneficial. So thank you!! I am 29 weeks prego and continue to workout till the day my baby is born!
Peace and Health,
Gina said…
I bought KBs since as a stay at home mom with a deployed hubby I'd never have a chance to go to the gym. I bought Ultimate Body Sculpt Vol 1 over a year ago and fell in love with it; it kicked my butt! My hubby was very happy when he returned from Iraq, so happy that baby #2 is now on it's way. I worked out with Ultimate Body Sculpt Vol 2 until I was 26 weeks (doing lots of modifications) then switched to Baby Bells. I'm 32 weeks and due to Dr's orders have had to stop doing KBs (son #1 came 6 weeks early and Drs don't want a repeat of that!). But as soon as my stitches heal (or sooner) I'll be back lifting KBs!
poolie29 said…
I am 27 weeks preg and have tried to maintain 3 20 min kettlebell workouts per wk. I felt rotten in the 1st trimester and struggled but have been more active in the 2nd- just going into my third and wondered if I can carry on as long as I feel upto it? my baby is due 26th sept and I have my 30th bday 7th dec- do you think I am being too ambitious to want to have lost my weight by then? I have put on nearly 28 pounds but hoping this is because I am maintaining muscle tone as I dont look that much bigger!! Any comments welcome!x
Kirstie said…
During my first pregnancy I gave up some of my more strenuous exercises as I was scared of depriving bubs of oxygen etc as warned (I still kept up weights and hill/stair running etc right throughout the pregnancy, but gave up sprints). After reading your articles, Lauren, I finally pursued my interest in kettlebells with my second pregnancy. I'm loving it! Thanks for providing research that shows harder exercise isn't harmful when pregnant!
Unknown said…
I must say that kettlebell weight loss has been the perfect thing happen to me in recent months for it really helps me getting rid of that stubborn fat.

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