Pic on the right is Todd 3 months after starting unconventional training. I'm very proud to feature one of my newer students, Todd Graham. Todd is almost 40 years old and is a hard working father. Like most stories of why someone put on extra weight, "life" got in the way. Todd was an incredible high school athlete and continued to keep his conventional training regimen even through his stressful demanding career. Todd, being a motivated person and sometimes an over achiever, continued to "workout" 3-4 times a week. His workouts consisted of conventional barbell training and lots of running. However, the weight continued to creep on. He did what he thought was the right thing to do regarding his pre/post workouts. He'd down MuscleMilks in a pinch and head to the gym. When Todd began training with me at On The Edge Fitness , his glutes weren't firing properly and he could hardly swing a 25lb kettlebell. It was not a surprise that with no
Lauren's secrets to Smart Training, Eating, and Living with real authentic stories of inspiration along the way.