Here is a strength workout that can be for either men or women. This workout in the video is demonstrated by two small ladies. Katie Dawers, soon to be RKC, at only 121lb's easily doing double cleans with a pair of 24kg's (53lb) kettlebells. That's a total of 106lb's. Lauren Brooks 114lb's demonstrating Goblet Squat's with a 32kg (70lb). There will be a new article being released, I wrote dedicating it to "Strong is the New Sexy" theme. It's good to know that this is finally what's accepted and not the anorexic unhealthy flabby skinny look. Women can and should be strong as well and now it's sexy, so I hope you enjoy the new article coming out in the My Mad Method's magazine. Details below to get your copy. Kettlebell Strength Workout for Women Instructions: Perform each set with 90-120 sec between sets and exercises. Kettlebell Strength Workout designed for Women but powerful enough for a Man: A: Alt Clean & Pr
Lauren's secrets to Smart Training, Eating, and Living with real authentic stories of inspiration along the way.