(Just updated below on 6/3/2012) Do you ever just stop and think? We, as a society, are constantly in a rush, stressed out, and have no time for anything. Everyone is chasing their dreams and going full force. I need to make more money, I need to lose weight, I need to do this and that..... It really never ends. One of the main problems our society is dealing with is over doing it, which causes adrenal burn out. More and more people are suffering from insomnia and chronic health problems just from the burden they put on themselves. You have to ask yourself, why are you doing all of this? Why do you need to work 60 hours a week? Why do you need to kill yourself and exercise 2-3 hours a day? All of that puts too much stress on your body in conjunction with all the other demands life has to offer. Isn't the point of life to take a minute and enjoy the people you love and things you love to do? If I die extremely rich, but didn't make time for my family, and do the thi
Lauren's secrets to Smart Training, Eating, and Living with real authentic stories of inspiration along the way.