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Showing posts from October, 2020

Messy Week and Give Away Time!

You guys, I know 2020 has been a rough year for everyone.  I had a bit of a messy week and I am trying to decide if I can blame it on 2020. If my messy week would have happened in a different year, would I have just rolled through it and moved on without a glitch? Let me tell you about my week and you decide.  First my week started with the flooding of my neighbors yard.  Oh you might be thinking "Lauren, that's not YOUR problem, that is their problem." Well, unfortunately, the flooding of their backyard was due to a broken pipe in MY backyard. Have you ever had a backyard or pipe leak?  It's definitely a messy problem all around. We had to turn off all of the water, dig up my backyard to find the problem and well "wish" the neighbors a happy halloween 2020 by flooding their yard. So not only was my week literally going down the drain with my backyard water, but then I had to have unexpected wisdom tooth surgery due to an infection! I decided to go through t

Squat Analysis - Which Squat is Right For You?

  Hey y’all! A couple of weeks ago I shared a video representing two different styles of goblet squats and asked you all which you preferred. Well I have finally gotten around to my analysis and would love to share the video with you.  You can watch it right here.  So which squat do I prefer?   If you watch the video you'll see it's mostly  Squat B!   Now there is nothing wrong with Squat A for some, and for those of you who chose it, keep on doing it that way if it feels good. But…I have been training bodies for 20 years and the majority of the body types I train end doing best with more of a squat B version. A lot of your preference depends on your body type and age.   Do you have a tall torso? Weak knees? Tight ankles? Prone to valgus collapse? Valgus collapse is when the knee caves in. Weak back? Let’s do a little analysis on the two. Squat A, which I see in many people, leads more with the knees, pulls the butt down to a lower position, gravity tends takes over and this la

Try Out Our Featured Workout this Month

  FEATURED WORKOUTS OF THE MONTH! Body Weight Workout from one of Lauren's Playground favorites "The Body Tune-Up" and Strength 1 from the Kettlebell Revelation Try it out FOR Free Today!  Simply Use Code: loyalsubscriber to make the price 100% FREE! I WANT TO TRY THESE FEATURED WORKOUTS                       LAUREN'S PLAYGROUND STRENGTH KICK OFF CHALLENGE IS NOW READY! Spend 21 days hyper-focusing on 3 of the most important strength exercises your body can learn. Watch your body move better, connect more, with spending some extra time on these 3 Power Exercises! Like superfoods the Deadlift, Push-up, and Get Ups are the Super Foods for your body! I will have a progression and an option for all levels. Get ready to participate and noticeably feel and see the difference in just 3 weeks!  Register and let's get going!  MEMBERS SIGN IN HERE