I'm excited to announce that my kettlebell/ exercise DVD is finally available. This is the project I have been working on for so long. Above is a video clip of the highlights.
This DVD Features
- 15 basic Kettlebell and Body Weight exercises deomonstrated step by step even for the complete beginner.
- Follow along Fat Blast Workout - Low to Medium Intensity. 12-14 minutes long and can be repeated twice if you are ready.
- Follow along Sculpt and Conditioning Workout - Medium to High Intensity. 40 minutes of intensity
- Joint Mobility section for warm up and cool down.
- Designed to get you in tip top shape no matter what your fitness background is.
- Especially great for moms trying to shed that baby weight and get in better shape than before their pregnancy.
- DVD is over 80 minutes long of step by step instruction.
- Motivating music in the Follow Along workout sections and Joint Mobility section
For more information you can go to my website at www.ontheedgefitness.com.
I want to thank my clients for being so patient and waiting for this to come out. It's finally here so enjoy this kettlebell DVD.

The DVD looks awesome! It makes me want to go out and buy it!!!! I hope it works!
How cool are you? Your DVD looks great!
Ahh shucks everyone. I'm blushing. Thank you so much! 8-)
Only 2 weeks after RKC 2 and you're boosting up!
Can you tell us how long each of the workouts (Fat Blast, Sculpt and Conditioning, Joint Mobility) are on the DVD? Color me interested!
Thank you! This has been a project that I have been working on for too long!
Feel free to email me at Lauren@socaltrainer.com. The frequency of workouts really all depends on the person, the level, intensity, and so forth. In a perfect world it would be nice to be able to do short workouts some 30-40 minutes, some 10-15 minutes 4-6 days per week. But it really all depends on where you are starting from. Hope this helps!
Thank you for the question.
I just added the times up in the DVD feature section.
Fat Blast Workout is 12-14 minutes, which can be repeated twice if you are ready.
Sculpt and Conditioning Workout is 40 minutes of medium to very high intensity.
Joint Mobility cool down or warm up is about 6 minutes.
Whole DVD is over 80 minutes long. Let me know if you have any more questions.
From the trailer, its looks fantastic! I ordered mine and am looking forward to getting it!
Your dvd is great!! I've not had much success with dvds after working with a trainer, but yours is perfect!!
Keep up the great work.
take care,
I am so glad you like it. Thank you!