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Saturday's Practice and Food

Here is yesterdays workout which I think of more of a practice.

Warmed up with Joint Mobility 5 minutes and 2 minutes of Swings 12kg

Did the following exercises 3 times.

Pull Ups 3 , 4 , 3
Pistols 2 , 3, 1 per side
Bent Press 12kg 3, 3 , 3 per side
C & J 12kg 8, 8 , 6 per side

Then I finished off with

Snatches for 3 minutes with the 12kg total of 73 snatches.

I don't usually train high reps so I was surprised how nice those 3 minutes felt. I paced myself at around 24 snatches a minute. I'm not training for any thing but I wanted to see how I would feel with that length of time. Maybe I'll try 4 minutes today.

Morning weight is 108. Been eating 5-6 times a day. Here is what I ate yesterday. Not typical since it's a Saturday and I had time to have some lunch by the beach. Couple of people ask me from time to time if I am eating. I think I eat a good amount of food. I have just been more cautious of what I put in my body because most of the food out there isn't really food. And I don't have time to cook extravagant meals. These days with my limited time fast healthy fresh is what I can do.

Breakfast Quinoa Flakes 1/3 cup
2 Organic Omega Eggs
Max Stress B (most natural source of B on the planet)

Snack 1/3 of a Fresh Pineapple
2 handfuls of Raw Almonds

Snack 2 Lean Body Whey Protein Shake (pesticide free whey)
1 tsp of Cod Liver Oil

Lunch (went out to lunch with friends so this is not typical
One Carne Asada Taco, Refried Beans, and Cabbage Salad
And I had Chips, Salsa, and Gaucamole. yummy!

Snack Hummus
Cucumber Slices
Seed/ Flax Crackers (gluten free) Mary's Gone Crackers is the brand

Dinner Organic Free Range Chicken 6 oz
Small Yam
2 cups of Mixed Greens with Balsamic Dressing

Dessert 3 big Squares of 71% Dark Chocolate from Trader Joes. Less than 2 grams of sugar per square.


Howie B said…
Good to see you back up and posting! It's good to see you break out once and a while too and eat chips and salsa!
Lauren Brooks said…
Yes I've been busy! I will write a recap post as soon as I have another second. I like to enjoy myself on the weekends what can I say? Sometimes I will even have a Margarita!
Franz Snideman said…
Nice Lauren! Keep it up girl!

Your daughter is so cute! It was great seeing you last week! We'll have to do it again soon!
Lauren Brooks said…
It was great seeing you guys as well! Glad you all came by to check out my gym. Marianna is absolutely adorable. She is getting big so fast.

How is that new rope working out by the way? That company is awesome!
Franz Snideman said…
Rope is great! Thanks for giving us the website!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Lauren! Have you ever tried Intermittent Fasting?? I'm doing it this week...will let you know how it works out.

I'm eating only from 8:30AM-4:30PM and then fasting the rest of the time...According to it works for fat loss/muscle gain!
Lauren Brooks said…

I've never tried it. I'll check out the website. Please let me know how it goes. I'm always interested in hearing different nutrition approaches.
Christine said…
You're not kidding you like your Mexican! Your blog is great. Definitely looking forward to completing the RKC2 with you!
Lauren Brooks said…

You're so funny! You better believe Mexican is my favorite next to Sushi. But right now I can't have sushi. 8-( . So glad we met and definitely looking forward to going through this weekend with you too!

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