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The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells Volume 2

The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells
Volume 2 
filmed 6 months after my second baby via C-section

60% OFF Code : anniversary
 DVD grab it HERE

Review by Eloise K
Firstly I would like to say that you are honestly my Queenly inspiration!
When I started out with the 4-kg kettlebell my hubby bought me as a gift I could hardly work with it :) it was tooooo heavy, can you believe it. My little chicken arms could not deal with it. Now after just 5 months of your Volume 2 DVD I am pressing 14-kg's and looking better than ever! My goal is to press the 16kg by the end of this year and the 24kg by the end of next year... What has been tremendous as well has been how my body has balanced out. I have always had a small upper body and big bum, but this is starting to change!
-Eloise K
South Africa  

Review by Virginia
Hope you don't mind, but I'm actually providing feedback on behalf of my 55yo husband. :) Yours are the only - and I mean ONLY - workout dvds he will do. He loves the 20-30min format and alternates workouts from Vols 1 and 2 about 3x a week. He's always been lean but has made great strength gains. Boy does he sweat, lol! He relies solely on kettlebells using your videos plus bike riding to keep him healthy, fit and sane. :)

5.0 out of 5 stars New to kettlebells but want results? Lauren is my go-to instructor!,

This review is from: The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD Volume 2, with Lauren Brooks (DVD)
I bought 4 kettlebells (varying weight) and Lauren's DVDs Ultimate Sculpt volumes 1 and 2) without having worked out with KB. Having pushed aside any workout routine for the past year, I felt it was time to give KB a try.
I began working out to Lauren's Ultimate Sculpt volume 1 DVD for 12 minutes with 5lbs for 4 days the first week and 10lbs the second week to see if I could even perform the moves correctly, as I suffer from regular neck and back pain.

I find Lauren's instruction-style to be very user-friendly, especially for a beginner, and as I've progressed to my 4-week point and want something a little more demanding, Ultimate Sculpt volume 2 is fitting the bill very well. Overall, I really like Lauren's more subdued approach to exercise. I have strained my back in the past by performing strength training exercises incorrectly and Lauren's approach is slow but intense enough to make you really focus on each move being performed so that you won't injure yourself. Her exercise demonstrations are great and a must if you're a beginner; her warm-up and cool-down sessions are amazing medicine for your joints. Albeit, there are some moves that I simply cannot perform well yet (Turkish Get-Ups and pushups with KBs for fear they will turn over - I'm a clutz, too. lol!). For these moves, I either lay out or do traditional variations like regular pushups with no KBs.

Note: I did purchase a KB workout DVD from Amy Bento to break up the routine and I have to say, I honestly found her style to be almost manic. Although, my heart rate was up during the entire workout and this was great (heart rate is up with Lauren's, too), plus, some of her moves are rather challenging and provide an interesting approach to KB, her style is not my cup of tea. It's like Amy is grasping to come up with some new twisting move just to make the 20-minute mark. Lauren's style is methodic, intense and you can feel the fruit of your efforts the next day.
When I want quick and calm, I go to Lauren's Ultimate Sculpt volume 1 for a basic 12 minute workout or do it all again for a total 24 minute workout. In volume 1, Lauren's workout partner is also an inspiration, as she is either in her 40s or 50s and has a super-sculpted body thanks to KB, according to Lauren. There are three things that really appeal to me with Lauren's DVDs: her purposeful instruction, the fact that you can get a 12 minute quickie in or go full throttle with a 20 or 40 minute workout and the time cue included in each session is helpful. Also, the music is actually kind of soothing and is very appropriate to each workout session. I'm getting ready to purchase her US volume 3 today - from her website - [...]. Also, another note to add about KBs - they are great - I'm seeing a difference in only a few weeks and actually look forward to my workout, which are two major accomplishments, in my world! I'm really noticing definition in my glutes, my arms and my waistline is shrinking. I'm able to lift and carry items I was having trouble with and the best part - no more daily back or neck pain!


I'm so excited that the long awaited DVD is now ready!!! Thanks everyone for your patience. Since the release of the first DVD, I have been getting emails asking me when and if I will be putting out another DVD. Well getting pregnant, again, sort of put a hold on this DVD. For those who own any of my DVD's know that I like to make a big production out of it, so it takes time getting all the details just right for everyone. We learn as we go, so may this be even better than the first. Hopefully it was worth the wait!

Here is the trailer

 Purchase your  HARD COPY HERE

DVD Features:

- Over 20 Kettlebell and Body weight exercises
- 3 Follow Along Workouts - The Grind, The Smoker, The Finisher
- 1 Bonus Ab Workout
- Joint Mobility Warm Up
- Cool Down stretching section
- Motivating music and instruction throughout

A tutorial section for some of the more technical exercises including:

- Turkish Get Up
- TGU Squat Style
- Push Press
- Kettlebell Burpee
- Single Kettlebell Push Ups
- Overhead Squats
- Tactical Lunge
- High Pull
- Snatch
- Single Kettlebell Plank
- Windmill
- Single Leg Dead Lift

You only need 1 Kettlebell to use this DVD.
This DVD is coded for ALL REGION and shipped everywhere in the world.
Running time is 88 minutes.


Thank you for your interest in our cutting edge fitness programs and information.

To be apart of Lauren’s unique and motivating online gym experience; sign up here for our virtual gym, Lauren’s Playground, while registration is open!

Lauren’s Playground will be open for registration at the end of January 2020!

If you’re brand new to kettlebell fitness, access our FREE Kettlebell Swing online class here to get your fitness journey started!

** For a limited time only, Lauren’s best and most popular Kettlebell DVD’s will be 60% off! Code: 60off Click the link here to find the videos that are right for you **

Review by Jacquie
Amazing. I alternate each day with the grind and the smoker w/ finisher. You'll create your own system when you know the workouts. The smoker w/ finisher is NO joke but you will feel amazing after doing it and its only 20 minutes. Thanks Lauren!  (Posted on 12/16/2013)
Review by Nicole C
I don’t usually like sequels, but Lauren Brooks’ second kettlebell DVD is an exception to the rule. Like the first volume of her three-part DVD series, The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning With Kettlebells, Volume 2 is another source of effective, challenging exercises, and one that should belong to your library if you are looking for at-home kettlebell workouts.
What really impressed me about Volume 2, however, was the way that it flows so organically from Volume 1. Nerd that I am, I was very careful to get comfortable with Volume 1 before I went on to Volume 2, and I’m glad that I did. Just when I thought I had gotten this kettlebell thing down, Lauren threw in some new and exciting exercises to mix things up, including three of my favorite kettlebell exercises ever:
*The Turkish Get Up: Lauren uses get ups throughout the video. This video was my introduction to the get up, as well as the TGU Squat Style.
*The Overhead Squat: It wasn’t my first time doing an overhead squat, but it was the first time with a kettlebell, and I was amazed at how different it was. Lauren uses a lot of overhead squats during the second workout, aptly called “The Smoker."
*The Snatch: Lauren provides really solid instruction on how to execute the snatch properly. She uses snatches in the short workout called “The Finisher,” which is a great way to end any kettlebell workout.
These aren’t the only exercises Lauren introduces in Volume 2. Here are the other exercises that she demonstrates:
Kettlebell Diamond Pushups
Kettlebell Diamond Burpees
Single Leg Deadlift
High Pull
Tactical Lunges
Push Press
Single Kettlebell Plank
Lauren also includes a short Bonus Ab Workout. This is another one of Lauren’s workouts that I have committed to memory because it’s so simple yet effective. This workout also has a special place in my heart because it was one of the first challenging ab workouts I was able to do after having a c-section with complications last year. When I first started, I could only do the exercises unweighted, and it was great to slowly progress until I could do them with a heavier bell.
This brings me to another bonus about the DVD: although the cover says it’s an intermediate/advanced workout, it’s also suitable for beginners who want a challenge. If you’ve mastered the exercises in Volume 1 but can only do them with a lighter kettlebell, don’t be afraid to move on to Volume 2. Although a lot of the exercises are more difficult on a technical level, they can be easily scaled down by using a lighter bell, or even doing them unweighted, like I did when I first started the ab workouts. That being said, Lauren did choose some more challenging exercises than those presented in Volume 1.
Like in the first volume, Lauren provides good cues throughout and encourages you to challenge yourself without compromising technique or being overly flashy. I always find myself thinking during these workouts: “Hmmm, Lauren Brooks only lives about seven hours away from me. Maybe I could drive out for a weekend training session.” Must be a good workout.
In The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning With Kettlebell, Volume 2, Lauren Brooks takes the foundation she laid in Volume 1 and builds on it. You know that saying from Girl Scouts, “Make new friends but keep the old”? Think of the kettlebell swing as the old and the snatch as the new. Lauren introduces you to the new without dismissing the old, and that’s what makes this DVD a rare example of a good sequel.
-Nicole C
Breaking Muscle Magazine  (Posted on 5/20/2013)
Review by Genevieve Koesling
A couple of years, I religiously attended Lauren's classes. I became incredibly strong physically. It also helped me relieve an amazing amount of stress being the mom of three boys ages three and under. I had to give up attending her classes but I am ecstatic about using her new online workouts. My favorite part is I can turn on my favorite music (really loud) via Pandora while working out with Lauren in the privacy of my own backyard.
-Genevieve Koesling  (Posted on 5/20/2013)

Review by Rhonda S
I have your Volumes 1, 2 and 3 as well as the Workshop DVD and I love them. I am currently doing Volume 1 & 2 workouts. I also have the Goddess Workout DVD and From Russia With Tough Love that I don’t use.
I think your DVDs are the best and enjoy working out with you in my workout room and seeing great results.
Bless you for all your hard work, positivity and effort to make these DVDs.
-Rhonda S
Anchorage, Alaska  (Posted on 5/20/2013)
Review by Kristy
I am fairly new to kettlebells and as of just a couple of months ago began using your Volume 2 kettlebell DVD to take me to that next level. I am 25 years old and just less than a year ago had my second baby in which I gained over 60 lbs. It honestly was not until I began using your DVD religiously, that I began seeing some serious results. I now have sculpted arms, and my newly skinny butt fits into my jeans from high school...what an accomplishment!
I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to whip this young mom back into shape and finally feeling confident again. I feel so powerful when using kettlebells and you have a new found fan for life! I also appreciate your straightforward approach when instructing! When I can afford a new DVD purchase I hope to move on to your Volume 3 DVD. Thanks again and keep up the great work!
-Kristy  (Posted on 5/20/2013)
Review by Amma
Your DVDs have changed my body, especially my legs! I used to have the hardest time finding jeans that fit over my thighs, so I just gave up wearing them. This year, for the first time in years, I went jean shopping and found two pairs of jeans that fit! And, I didn't even have to spend all day in a dressing room trying on 1000 pairs.
I used to be afraid of "bulking up" if I used heavy weight, but the exact opposite happened using your DVDs. My legs, which used to be my trouble area, have slimmed down and now have great definition. I just love what you and your DVDs have done for me. I'm eagerly anticipating your next DVD!
NJ  (Posted on 5/20/2013)
Review by Tracy
Hi Lauren just wanted to say how much I enjoy your workouts and what they have done for me. Your Vol. 1 was hands down my favorite until I got Vol. 2. I love it, especially the Smoker w/ Finisher. I love the fact that I can do a quick tough workout that produces results in less than 30 minutes. I do have a TRX so I am excited to see what Vol. 3 will bring.
AR  (Posted on 5/20/2013)

-Virginia  (Posted on 5/20/2013)
Review by Paddy
I have both vol. 1 & 2. I have only been doing kettlebells for four weeks and I see major results. I've worked out with dumbbells for years and didn't get the results I got in just four weeks. I love your dvds. I keep humming the music to your vol. 1 dvd and would like to know where I can purchase the music.
-Paddy  (Posted on 5/20/2013)

on November 26, 2010
Lauren Brooks gets your heart rate up there and keeps it interesting! If you are looking for a way to shake up your workouts this is the one you want. Take time to check out her website also. I bought the DVD from Amazon originally but will go through her website from here on out. I had a problem with the DVD I bought from Amazon. I was not sure what to do as I did not want to spend the money returning it and the hassle, so I contacted Lauren's staff. They were quick and professional and replaced it fast.

on January 31, 2011
I purchased Lauren Brooks first DVD and like this one even more. I recieved this DVD about one month ago and have flattend and toned my midsection quite a bit. I do the first workout the grind wich is twenty minutes long and then do about the first twelve minutes of the smoker giving me about a thirty minute workout . I have found incorporating the two as Lauren recommends has been really great giving me fast results over a short period of time. I use a twenty pound bell and plan on increasing to twenty-five to make the workout more effective. I highly recommend this DVD you won't regret it.

on December 21, 2012
Lauren Brooks' DVD's deliver great workouts and great results. I love the way she breaks the workout into bite-sized sections, so you can fit it into your life. My first DVD of Lauren's was Kettlebell Lightning, which I love. Then, I got this one, and have been doing it almost exclusively for the past month. The abs section has made major changes in my core muscles -- strength-wise and in the way they look. I'm so incredibly happy with my Lauren Brooks DVD's and workouts. My only complaint is that there aren't more of them! I'm looking forward to the next installment.

on February 13, 2011
Lauren's kettlebell workouts are quick and incorporate all the major muscle groups. From 6 minutes to 25 minutes, you can fit in a complete kettlebell workout any time of the day. I think this is a great format, & I hope Lauren's next dvd offers the same formatt but with even more workouts on one DVD.

on August 9, 2010
The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD Volume 2, with Lauren Brooks will not disappoint. If you like Volume 1 you will LOVE volume 2. These are great workouts! I have both DVD's and find both to be fun and challenging. Lauren is a first rate instructor. If you are a RKC purist it is a MUST have!!!

on March 27, 2013

This DVD is even better than Lauren's first. It has multiple workouts that you can mix and match to both vary your workout and customize based on the amount of time you have to exercise. I appreciate that Lauren has a separate menu item for instructional video that shows you proper form and technique for the different exercises. That way, the workout videos are packed with movement instead of a lot of "down time" explaining things, like I've seen in other kettlebell workouts. I also appreciate the 30-second recovery breaks in between each circuit. Her DVDs are much more expensive than other kettlebell DVDs, but I think it's totally worth the extra cost.


Anonymous said…
Can't wait to try your new DVD! :)
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to try your new DVD! :)
g. said…
YAY! I can't wait to get the new DVD! Where did you shoot this one?
Lauren Brooks said…

This DVD was filmed in the hills of Sherman Oaks, California. It is done at a beautiful residence in their backyard on a rock garden. 8-)
Jen said…
This is so awesome! I've been waiting for the big announcement and now it's here--just in time for Christmas :).

Thanks, Lauren!
vmichelle said…
I'm buying it today!
vmichelle said…
I'm buying it today! Very excited.
Adam said…
Hey Lauren,

Congrats on the new DVD! I purchased the DVD for my wife - who loves the first DVD bytheway - and was wondering what the estimated shipping date is. Given the fact it was a "pre-sale", I didn't know if that meant the shipping date would at some later date or normal shipping time.

Thanks and can't wait to give the new DVD a shot.
Lauren Brooks said…
Hi Adam,

Thanks so much. The estimated shipping date was for 12/14, but there was a little delay. The majority of the pre orders ended up getting out on 12/15. So most people in the US will receive the DVD by the end of the week. Thanks again!
Jen said…
What an awesome surprise to find this in my mailbox today! Thanks for getting it out so quickly, Lauren! Can't wait to do this workout (especially with Christmas next week--I'm sure there will be some indulgences that I'll have to "atone" for ;)).
Anonymous said…
I received DVD by mail two days ago. Yesterday, I workout with New DVD and it made my heart pumping fast! Today all over my body is sore. Wow! Thank you!
Anonymous said…
Your expedited shipping was much appreciated! I completed the workout Christmas Eve morning; it was T-O-U-G-H in a good way :-). Great job, Lauren. Thanks also for the fast shipping with the Gymboss I ordered afterwards.

KARYN said…
You did it again. This video rocks!! Thanks for keeping us mommies one step ahead in the battle of the bulge ;o)
Jen said…
I agree with Karyn--outstanding job once again! I already can't wait for DVD #3 ;).
Hi Lauren,

Happy Holidays to you and your family. I'm glad to see that you and your business are doing well! Keep up the great work.
Unknown said…
when is level 3 coming out :)

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