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5 Year Blog Anniversary and Giveaway

My blog was born March 10th of 2007, 5 years ago, with this post that started it all.  It all started 6 weeks after giving birth to my first baby.  The purpose of this blog was to share my journey of embarking as a new mother recovering from a C-section, lost strength, and fitness.  I wanted to share my struggles and perseverance in getting back to my pre-pregnancy self all while enjoying my new road in to motherhood.  I felt this was an easy and convenient way for friends and family that live all over the world, to see photos of my children and updates about our life.  What an amazing experience it  has been for me.  I never thought blogging my experiences would turn in to so much more.  Through my blogging I got the chance to connect with so many wonderful people around the world.  I never fully understood how powerful the stories would effect so many people.   It's truly been an honor.  Being able to continue to drive motivation and hope in to someones life by sharing my life, which in turn helped people on their journey, has been priceless.  I will continue blogging as long as I can to keep this inspiring cycle of new stories from real people coming.  That is what this blog has been all about.  Smart Training, Eating, and Living with real stories of inspiration along the way.  

A few weeks ago I received an email from Breaking Muscle, a new fitness website with top notch information.  I was told I was nominated for the Top 10 fitness blog contest.  I was honored to see I was among the list of all the blogs nominated, which I believe were around 100.  I was pleasantly surprised after a month long contest of people leaving comments, the panel of judges ended of voting my blog as one of the Top 10 Fitness Blogs.  This couldn't have come at a more perfect time.  My 5 year anniversary of blogging!

To celebrate my 5 year anniversary of blogging I've decided to offer a giveaway to 5 people.  This is the first blog giveaway I've ever done, but feel that it's very appropriate. The Giveaway is going to entail my new Kettlebell book and a kettlebell DVD of choice!  The first person of the 5 winners, will also receive a full nutrition program in addition to the book and DVD.   Yes 5 people to celebrate 5 years of blog entries.  So here is how you can be considered to be one of the 5 WINNERS.  

Rules: You will earn one entry in to the drawing for doing each of the following below.  The more you earn the higher chances you have to win.  Make sure when leaving a comment you leave your name and which options you chose to participate in so we can track and give you the appropriate entries.  Winners will be chosen at random by picking numbers using random selection tool.  It is possible a winner can end up winning more than once.  In the case of that happening we will need to redraw for that spot.  We want 5 individual winners.  The more entries (numbers you earn) the higher chance of winning since you can be given up to 6 numbers to go in the drawing!  

Here's how to earn multiple chances of winning.  

1. Like my FB Page here  (earn 1)
2. Follow me on Twitter   (earn 1)
3. Follow this blog (on the left hand side)   (earn 1)
4. Share this page              (earn 1)
5. Leave a comment below with your name and why you want to win.  If you write something really cool or inspiring you will get a bonus entry giving you a total of 6 chances!    (earn up to 2)

Good Luck!  This contest will end on April 10th.  Winners will be announced on this blog.  If I don't have your email address make sure you tune in on April 12th to see the winners.  Let's have some fun!

Thank you for your interest in our cutting edge fitness programs and information.

To be apart of Lauren’s unique and motivating online gym experience; sign up here for our virtual gym, Lauren’s Playground, while registration is open!

Lauren’s Playground will be open for registration at the end of January 2020!

If you’re brand new to kettlebell fitness, access our FREE Kettlebell Swing online class here to get your fitness journey started!

** For a limited time only, Lauren’s best and most popular Kettlebell DVD’s will be 60% off! Code: 60off Click the link here to find the videos that are right for you **


J and A said…
Happy 5 years! :) I like you on FB! :)
J and A said…
I also follow this blog! :)
Elaine Luna said…
I liked your FB Page! pondluna at
Elaine said…
Just signed up to follow your blog :) pondluna_23 at yahoo dot com
J and A said…
My name is Alison and I want to win because I only workout at home and LOVE to change my workouts up - so the more dvd's I have the better. I already have 2 of yours and LOVE them. I also can't wait to get your Baby Bells when I am pregnant. Eventually. Thank you so much for being so inspiring and for this change to win!
Elaine said…
I want to win your contest because I have lost almost 30lbs with eating healthy, cardio & KETTLEBELLS. I love your workout videos and am always looking for more info/direction with my kettlebell technique. You're a true inspiration to me!
ppickrel said…
I love your DVDs- it changed the way I train. You are strong, healthy and inspiring and motivate us all to be the best us we can be.
Brenda said…
Lauren I just wanted to say thank you for putting together this blog and sharing your fitness and nutrition knowledge with us. I actually stumbled upon your website a few years back when someone suggested I should look into training with kettlebells. Now they are one of my favorite training tools. I really enjoy your dvds and just recently bought your book which I'm sure will be put to good use. Again, thank you for all that you do and I can't wait to see what the future brings. ~ Brenda
Margaret Olson said…
My name is Margaret Olson and I REALLY would like to win. I had a little girl 19 months ago and packed on 55 pounds which I thought I could blast off quickly, but no one ever told be about post partum depression and how it effects you. After Sonia was born I didn't understand why I had no energy, didn't want to leave the house and felt bad and guilty for no reason all the time. My fitness goals seemed to drift farther and farther away as depression and pour body image set in amoung other things. I thought it would go away within a few months but I still struggle with the symptoms of PPD (after a time doctors say it just terns into depression). One day I found a website involving kettlebells and I was blown away! It was nothing like I had ever seen before or done and the newness of it motivated me to get a kettlebell and your DVDs. From the first time I tried KB I knew I found "my thing" . I know this sounds silly but I started to feel better about myself and get more energy. If I felt in a dark place I knew I had 12 minutes I could do a 12 minute workout and would feel better. My daughter is seeing me transform into a happerier and slowly but surely a more active person. I figure the more help and tools the better so I would love to win this.
Margaret Olson said…
My name is Margaret Olson and I REALLY would like to win. I had a little girl 19 months ago and packed on 55 pounds which I thought I could blast off quickly, but no one ever told be about post partum depression and how it effects you. After Sonia was born I didn't understand why I had no energy, didn't want to leave the house and felt bad and guilty for no reason all the time. My fitness goals seemed to drift farther and farther away as depression and pour body image set in amoung other things. I thought it would go away within a few months but I still struggle with the symptoms of PPD (after a time doctors say it just terns into depression). One day I found a website involving kettlebells and I was blown away! It was nothing like I had ever seen before or done and the newness of it motivated me to get a kettlebell and your DVDs. From the first time I tried KB I knew I found "my thing" . I know this sounds silly but I started to feel better about myself and get more energy. If I felt in a dark place I knew I had 12 minutes I could do a 12 minute workout and would feel better. My daughter is seeing me transform into a happerier and slowly but surely a more active person. I figure the more help and tools the better so I would love to win this.
Jen Crandall said…
I liked you on Facebook!
Jen Crandall
Jen Crandall said…
I love kettlebells! I did free weights sporadically and I just never really loved it. I tried your first kettlebell dvd and something clicked! I loved it immediately! Your dvd is awesome and i can't wait to order another one!
Jen Crandall
R. Wendt said…
You have been my number one inspiration since pregnancy and my greatest source of guidance post c-section. Using your videos and the guidance and encouragement you shared via email has helped me MORE than bounce back from my pregnancy while overcoming almost debilitating post-partum depression. I would LOVE to win your giveaway because I want to grow stronger and healthier for my daughter, to be a strong role model for her as she grows, just like you are for your little girls! Thanks so much for everything!!!
Ashley said…
Congrats on the 5 years!
I've been trying to incorporate kettlebells into my workouts the past few months, but want to learn more on how to use them. And I want to learn more than the handful of moves I know! I can't wait to try your book and dvds!
RBlood said…
Lauren,Before finding your work I was convinced that KBs were a man's sport. I was also struggling with setting aside workout time in my busy day. Finding your blog and DVDs changed the way that I look at fitness and kettle bells. You have given me the tools that I need to follow a fitness path despite having 2 children and a full time job. I started with your baby bells video before having my second son and it made a remarkable difference in my second labor. I already tell all of my friends about you and what a difference you have made. I already follow your blog, facebook and I just liked you on twitter. I sent your blog to one of my pregnant friends. I want to win because you have made a huge difference in my outlook of health and I would love to add to my collection of your videos!
Ana Padilla said…
Hi Lauren, I came across one of your youtube videos a few weeks ago when my hubby got me kettlebells for Valentine's day. I saw 3 of your youtube clips and the rest is history. I checked out your website and ordered one of your DVDs (through Amazon). The fact that you are a mother made me love you even more. You are truly an inspiration. Your video is tough but it's just what I was looking for to kill the monotony of running on the treadmill for a year straight. With just a couple sessions I'm noticing my arms and legs tone up nicely. I would love, love, love to win your book and DVD because I absolutely love the one i have now and would love to add to my collection. Plus, I'm strapped for cash at the moment :( but if I don't win, I definitely plan on saving up my lunch money for another DVD once I master the 1st one :)P.S. I did all 5 options for points. (PICK ME! PICK ME!)
Tara said…
Hi. My name is Tara Blahnik and I would love to win because I am having cut back on using my personal trainer
And would love another way to keep things fresh!

I already like you on FB and follow your blog so I don't know
If the counts... Hope so!

Joanne Daudier said…
Hi Lauren:

It's Joanne D. I want to win because I love your training and since I'm far away, it'll be even more useful.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Melissa said…
I liked your fb page!
Melissa said…
I am following you on twitter.
Melissa said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said…
I am following your blog.
Melissa said…
Shared this post on FB.
Amy Meeks said…
Lauren-congrats on the wonderful anniversary! I have just loved catching up on your blog and your workouts. I am a busy mom of two and I work in the Operating Room for 10 hours a day! Recovering from two C-sections was not easy! Your tips helped me to heal my diastasis recti and I am almost to pre-preggo shape!
Melissa said…
I had knee surgery in June of 2010. After an injury I suffered playing soccer. I had my ACL replaced, the meniscus repaired and the mcl was torn, but healed over time. I was doing Physical Therapy and going to the gym, but it wasn't enough. And I was gaining weight. That's when my good friend Karyn Randolph of K2 Fitness introduced me to Kettlebell. ANd from my first session with Karyn, I was hooked. Everything I did at the gym hurt my knee, and for the first time, my knee didn't hurt during or after a workout. Karyn told me to use your video at home 3 times a week. And I did, and the results were amazing. I did the video at home for months, before I started attending Karyn's class 4 times a week. I still use the video at home. I have seen a huge difference in my knee by training with the kettlebell. My knee is stronger and the muscle has returned. I have lost 19 pounds in three months and 10 inches in 2 months. I have more energy, happier and my self esteem has improved. Along with kettlebell training, I stopped drinking Dr. Pepper, and eating fast food.
I I would LOVE to win this giveaway, because I have a ways to go still. I would love to own your newest video, and since I own your book, I'd give the book to my sister. Being able to have your full nutrition program at my fingertips would be amazing. I am just starting my journey on healthy eating and I would LOVE to learn more.
I am a mother of four beautiful children. And suffer from Hypothyroidism It is possible for you to change your life and to put yourself first. I am so thankful I found Kettlebell
Anonymous said…
Hi! I liked your Facebook page and followed your blog. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging. I just recently learned about kettlebells and your DVDs and can say I am just wowed by your sincerity, devotion, and desire to help others. You are a rock star, Lauren!
JustTracyB said…
I would love to win. I love working with kettlebells! My gym offers classes, but with an additional fee. I just can't afford that. I use them at home, but like to mix it up a bit. A new video by someone that really knows what they are doing would be awesome!! Too many kb videos show bad form, or don't give enough instruction on form.

I followed your blog and liked your FB page. I was already a twitter follower. :-)
megan said…
I like you on FB
nikschaf said…
Hi! I liked your Facebook page and followed your blog. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging. I just recently learned about kettlebells and your DVDs and can say I am just wowed by your sincerity, devotion, and desire to help others. You are a rock star, Lauren!
megan said…
I follow you on twitter
megan said…
I shared on FB
megan said…
Megan I haven't been working out with kettlebells for very long. I have learned so much from your dvd's. I get a great workout and its just plain fun! Congratulaions on 5 years.
Sarah said…
I follow you on FB, I follow you on Twitter, I follow your blog & I shared your page on FB.

Hi Lauren. I am Sarah, a mom of 4 girls age 12y-10m. I was involved in a major auto accident in 2007 & had to have several major surgeries to repair my tibia & knee. Since then I've had my 2 youngest daughters and continued to pack on the pounds. Back in December a friend from church introduced me & my husband to kettlebells & we love it. We recently moved from CA to UT & I've been under a high amount of stress & had to leave behind my kettlebell trainer. I contacted her and she said the best bet was to get your video. So less than 2 weeks ago I ordered your video and on March 1st started doing kettlebells again. I'm looking forward to getting back into top shape & can use all the help doing so!
Margaret Olson said…
I already "liked" you on facebook and subcribed to your blog but I finally broke down and got a twitter account hoping that will give me the extra edge to win :). I wrote earlier about myself and love of kettlebells and the help of your DVD.
Ann D'Acquisto (Schmidt) said…
like you on facebook - CHECK!
follow you on twitter - CHECK!
follow your blog - CHECK!
share this link - CHECK!
leave a comment - CHECK AND CHECK!
not to inflate your ego, but I swear, if you gave me a list of 100 things to do to increase my chances of winning stuff from Lauren Brooks, I'd do it! I love you!
Kia said…
I liked your facebook page!
Kia said…
I am following you on Twitter!
Kia said…
I now follow your blog!
Kia said…
I shared this page via Twitter!
Glenn said…
I want to win because I am 43 years old with 3 kids. I am working on setting a good example for my kids on eating healthy and exercise. My daughter just turned 4 and I want to make sure I am around to walk her down the aisle. Over the last year I have really started to enjoy kettlebells and have heard nothing but positive comments about your DVD's. They have been on my wish list for several months.
Kiley said…
(1)I am a new follower, (2)I shared this giveaway on my blog, (3) I want to win because I have never used kettlebells before & this would be great motivation!! Congrats on the 5 years - that's awesome!
Glenn said…
I also follow you on twitter and both of your facebook pages, and just signed up to follow your blog
nikitalefleur said…
Lauren I would love to win this "5 year giveaway" but in one sense I think we all have won. We have you to thank for inspiring all of us. Congrats on your 5 year blog.

I wanted to let you know that you have made training fun again for me. Im a former WWE wrestler that has been hurting a bit more since I have gotten older. I love to work out but have had many struggles with some of my injuries. Being introduced to Kettle bells has been the experience I have been waiting for. Something to get my heart rate going without the over kill of being in a gym for over an hour and 45 min.

I said this once on FB and will say it again.. You are a true inspiration. You make time for your family, but also take the time to answer all our questions and help us with our goals. Being so personable.. thanks again. Keep up the great work kettle bell queen :)
Sonnenschein said…
Lauren, your blog actually is the reason I started to work out with kettlebells although they are not popular in Germany. I was pregnant in 2009 and I did a lot of research about how women got back in shape and your blog was my inspiration! Now kettlebells are an important part of my workout routine (they are still not very popular in Germany; in my gym people still ask me if I am training for a shot put event which is funny for I am not build like someone who is particularly good at shot put!). However, I love your blog, your honesty, your ideas on fitness and nutrition and the cute feminine design of your blog! All the best! Iris
Sonnenschein said…
Oh, and I am already following the blog (at least that is what I hope it is what I do, I regularly receive information about events via email) like you on facebook, follow you on twitter and I am an internet idiot, so I do not know how to share the article :-(
barefootwendy said…
okay, so i really don't like to win anything, so don't put me into the draw please. i already follow you on twitter and fb, i shared your post on fb and google+, i followed your blog and now i'm commenting. i prepurchased your amazing book and was so happy when it arrived. i have already rec'd so much from you & your on-line community - and i know i will continue to receive.

i hope the 5 folks honoured by your 5 year anniversary truly need the benefits of your generosity.
stay with it lauren, you rock.
Kate said…
1-I liked your FB page.
1-I followed your blog.
1-I shared your post.
2-comment and why
5-Total Points

I picked up your KB DVD after my sixth baby was born. I had severe sciatica just before and during the pregnancy and had to stop lifting weights. Yoga and swimming helped me make it through each day of that pregnancy.

After my baby was born, I continued the yoga, but really missed the weights. Two times I started with my dumbbells and had to quit because of back pain and sciatica. Then I found your Ultimate Body Scupt (volume 1). No more back pain! I was even able to start running again as long as I followed up with yoga.

I bought your new book to add some variety to my training. I'd love to win another DVD because you make it so easy to follow your form. Thanks!
Natasha Kay said…
I'm following you on Twitter!
Natasha Kay said…
I joined your Facebook page!
Natasha Kay said…
I follow your blog (by Google Reader)!
Natasha Kay said…
I shared this page with my Domestica Fitness Train (an accountability group I started a year ago with women of all shapes, sizes, and ages and from all over the world who are committed to getting healthy, not just "dieting"). Combined, they've already lost over 200 pounds!
Natasha Kay said…
Finally, here is my little personal reason for why I'd LOVE to win...

I am a kettlebell fanatic! One year ago, I worked up the courage to walk into a kettlebell class offered at my gym and I NEVER LOOKED BACK! After YEARS of strength training and lifting heavy, nothing has transformed my body like kettlebells! My flabby arms are now toned and ripped, my never-before-seen abs have popped into a bangin' six-pack -- and all with two kids in tow. ;)

As for my "something cool"...just go to my blog and look at my "before" picture of me pregnant with twins (and fat!) family pulls it out on their smart phone for party's that horrific.
Kate said…
1 I LOVE you on facebook.
Kate said…
2. I follow your blog over there.
Kate said…
And 3. I don't do twitter so why I want to win -- I need a nutritional exucation & some personalized attention. I have a 1 year old now so my baby excuses are over. I'm wiling to change but need more motivation in the face of "free" food at work regularly.

Unknown said…
I don't have a twitter :(
But this blog was already on my Google Reader - but I did hit the "follow" button today.

I'm looking to jump into KB training after my broken foot has healed. I work early morings and most of the classes in my city start after I'm already at work hahahaha.

If I won one of your books I would be over the moon!

You're an inspiration...keep it up!
Anonymous said…
I just found you and kettlebells and am so excited by this amazing exercise. I found your swing instruction video online and appreciate that and everything else you do. Thank you!
Redheadedmama said…
Hi Lauren,

I already own three of your videos and just bought your book. Thank you for putting such great women-centric KB training out there. I love that my five-year old daughter thinks that moms are supposed to be strong and active (unfortunately, she's also seen me at my worst in hospital at 95 pounds when I was really sick -- I'm glad that now she associates me with strength and sport now!).

I would love to win your nutrition program. After over two decades as a vegetarian, I had to go back to eat meat for some complex and serious health reasons. For moral reasons, I struggle every day with not wanting to eat meat but having to as I recognize my body needs it . I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your recent blog when you spoke of your own similar struggles with eating meat as I'd never heard of anyone else going through something similar to what I had to go through (as most vegetarians I know seem to function perfectly well as vegetarians!). Anyway, I'd love to find out more about your nutrition programming as I've had to totally approach eating differently and change my way of thinking about the foods I eat, and I'm still learning.

Keep up with the great blog and congrats on the blogging award!
Lauren Brooks said…
Thanks to all of you so far who have participated. Some of your stories are absolutely amazing! Wow!!!
For those who left a comment anonymously without any name or email address, it will be impossible for us to track and enter the appropriate entries in to the drawing. If you are one of those who left their info out, make sure you leave a comment with your name etc... Thanks again! May the best 5 people win!! ;-)
Hi Lauren - Congrats on the 5 years! I have liked you on FB, following your tweets, following the blog and shared this post. Why do I want to win? Well, I found out that I have a metabolic condition and have completely changed my diet but was missing the exercising piece, partly because I hate exercising. Then I heard about this thing called Kettlebells and it intrigued me, and I thought I should try that. It has been 4 weeks since I started doing KB and I absolutely love it. I know it will take some time to get back into shape, but at least I have found something that I enjoy.
Katherine said…
Lauren, I love working along with your DVDs and thank you for sharing your knowledge through them as well as your blog and now your book.
I'm still trying to get back into shape after my myomectomy for a large uterine fibroid; other health issues, some related to the extra weight I put on as I sat around feeling sorry for myself, mean I've given myself some extra challenges to overcome on my journey back to fitness and wellness. I'd love to win your Baby Bells DVD for my future plans of pregnancy - and to complete my collection of your DVDs - and I'd love your book, too.
P.S. I liked your FB page very early on and have enjoyed following it.
Lorna Leigh said…
Happy 5 Year Anniversary, Lauren! You are an inspiration and so down to earth. We are so grateful for you. I still give all those kettlebell workouts a lot of credit for getting me in shape to be able to accidentally naturally birth our second child. All those lunges and squats. :):)
Stephanie said…
Hi Lauren. I want to win because, like many others I only work out at home. I'm 65 years young this year and I've been ill for a long time. I'm getting healthier now - which includes getting stronger as well and being able to exercise again. My daughter researched kettlebell exercises, and trainers, for me as she thought they would be a fun and successful way for me to exercise again. After all her research she told me you are the best! I bought your first DVD and do the exercises nearly every day. I'm so pleased to say that I'm getting stronger and leaner everyday as well! My daughter has 2 of your DVDs and bought your book too and loves it. So, Lauren, thanks to you for the chance to win your book and dvd. I would definitely be benefitted a lot! Wish I had them when I was having my 7 babies! Stephanie
Tom said…
Hi Lauren, happy 5th anniversary! I think it's absolutely awesome that you took control of your physical fitness after the birth of your baby. What a fantastic example for other mothers (and fathers)!

I had the privilege of meeting you at the Fitness Business Summit 2010 and I hope that we can meet again in the future or perhaps work together in some way.

Again, congratulations! May your next 5 years be even more fantastic!


Kristen Painter said…
I like you on FB and have been following you on twitter for awhile. I also suggest your dvds whenever someone asks about a good KB workout they can do at home (namely on the MyFitnessPal community).

I love your dvds. They got me moving again!
Melissa said…
I forgot to leave my email address
Kat_B said…
Congratulations! I love your DVDs, blog posts and articles and I'm looking forward to MANY more.

I started kettlebells in 2007, and I'm not sure when in the mix I first found your blog, but I know I was looking for tips on kettlebells for snowboarding and your first DVD was about to be released (July 2008). They keep my 45 y.o. strong and flexible.

(already a FB fan and I un-officially follow the blog & twitter feed, but I'll make them official now)
Kelli said…
I like you on Facebook.
Kelli said…
I follow your blog.
Kelli said…
I don't have a blog, so I shared this page on a closed Facebook group.
Yonit said…
I liked you on Facebook (1) and shared this page on Facebook (2). Lauren, you are inspirational. I've been working out for years and have made the journey through so many types of training. Nothing has given me the results that bodyweight and kettlebell circuits have- and what's more, nothing else has ever been this much fun. As a woman, it's been difficult to avoid the pitfall of thinking that I need to use low weights and high reps in order to achieve a lean physique (particularly when several high profile trainers peddle this point of view). Plus, who wants to stand around curling a heavy barbell? A few months ago, I saw a video of you on YouTube swinging around a pair of ~50 lb kettlebells like they were nothing, and I was so inspired. I can't even begin to express how good it makes me feel to do the same, but I can certainly express how good it makes me LOOK :-). Your videos are still staples in my workout rotation, and I look forward to more from you.

jupgrrl at gmail dot com
Kelli said…
I think I first found you on YouTube, and I was impressed with your form while learning to do a kettlebell swing. I followed a link from there, and watched this tiny fit girl (you!) doing a get-up with some huge crazy amount of weight bell, and I became an immediate fan. My story, in a nutshell, is that I feel like an athlete inside my head, but my body and health don't reflect that. It is very hard emotionally to feel like an athlete, tough and strong, and then not have that reflect in my reality. I have four beautiful children, and was a little bigger with each pregnancy. After having my second, I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. This has been a huge mental struggle, because I'll commit to exercise, and then fatigue would hit, and I'd have to stop. It messes with me mentally, questioning if I am lazy. My husband, God bless him, has been so supportive through all of this. He thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world, he really makes me feel loved, even though I need to lose about 55 pounds. So I am really not saying "poor me", I have a beautiful life with my husband and children. It is just that that athlete in me wants out! Along with the fact that I need to lose weight for my health. One of your recent blog posts said that you exercise an average of 20 minutes a day. That was a lightbulb moment for me. I have exercise videos that are an hour long. Well, they made me feel defeated before I even began! I have your first two DVDs and I can do a quick workout and feel good about it now. Getting "permission" from you to do short but intense workout has helped my energy levels. I just got your book, so I will be studying that. I recently cut out of my diet grains, dairy, & refined sugar. We went to eat at someone's house, and they had spagetti, garlic bread, and angelfood cake! The next day my stomach hurt, I had broken out on my chin, and my husband said my breathing was bad while I was sleeping. It seemed like I have an allergy. So I did some research, and people with wheat allergies can have chronic fatigue symptoms! I noticed that you eat gluten-free, so I am so interested in getting a nutrition consultation from you, to lose weight, address my allergy, and learn how to eat while traveling. You see, we are moving to Sierra Leone, Africa in a year as missionaries. I feel a sense of urgency to have my health and weight healed before I go. Along with that comes traveling to churches to present the ministry, which means exercising on the road, eating healthy during long car trips, and navigating eating at people's homes. I think I would be a fun change for you to help. I don't think a nutrition plan is something I just want, I feel like it is something I need, and this giveaway is perfect timing given by the person I would want it from most.
Congratulations on 5 years, and more to come!
Nicole said…
I would love to win! I liked you on FB, and signed up to follow your blog. :-) I have enjoyed learning about and using kettle bells, as I get into shape following my third 40 lb pregnancy. I am loving the muscle definition and increased strength! Much more fun than the treadmill!
Kelli said…
Kelli left the above comments.
Stephanie Butler said…
Lauren, Happy 5 years! I found you a year ago on you tube and have been swinging bells ever since! Your DVD's in my opinion (and I have them all) are the best in the Kettlebell workout industry. You are very informative, the workouts are tough but effective and I am so happy with the results for the first time in my life and I have been working out for many, many years! Thank you for everything you do! You are a great role model! Stephanie Butler :)
Congratulations on 5 years, Lauren! I already follow you on your blog, FB and Twitter. I want to win because I'm a fan! You and your DVD's inspire me as a trainer. I always recommend them to others when they are looking to do KB's at home.
Stephanie Butler said…
I forgot to tell you I did everything you requested but I can't figure out how to follow your blog!!! LOL If you let me know I will do it! :))

Stephanie Butler
Amy said…
Happy 5 years!
I follow your blog
Amy said…
I also liked you on FB as well
Amy said…
I would love to win this contest because I already have your new book and one of your DVD's and I just LOVE it. I have noticed I have more stamina. Also, 20 minutes is perfect for me and I feel I get as much of a workout in 60 mins, if not more!

Finally, I got a PR on my last race I think it has to do with my recent Kettlebell workouts.
abramos at jewlsthecat dot com
Gyl said…
I am now following you on Twitter, have already "liked" your FB page and have been following your blog for a couple of years. I am at a real stalemate in my workout right now -- it's just boring -- and I need something fresh and inspiring to get me going. Would love to win :).
Heather said…
Happy #5! You inspire me! I would love to win, not only for me but for my new daughter.
Aurora said…
I would love to win because I really like to train with KB`s,and to doing it at home is my only option because in my country there are not KB trainers (not even KB's) I been following you for a long time and want to be a certified instructor to introduce Kettlebells to my country because I believe there are a wonderful tool to improve your life. I already have one of yours DVD's and would like to have more to improve my training to reach my goal to be a dragoon door certified instructor.
Thanks for share your knowledge and stamina.. Aurora
workout mommy said…
I think I have stalked you for almost 5 years! ;)

I follow you on FB, twitter, and follow your blog.

and of course, i love your DVDs and workouts and someday you will come to my town and I will get to meet you!
Anonymous said…
I follow you on Facebook
Anonymous said…
I follow you on Twitter
Anonymous said…
I follow your blog!
Anonymous said…
I shared this story on facebook :)
Anonymous said…
My name is Rosie and kettlebell training has changed my life. I spend as much time as I can educating myself on kettlebell training, nutrition and fitness. I even have kettlebells at work and got some of my coworkers using them! (1 of them is 67 years old!)

I love your dvds and can't wait to read your book!
4 Elements said…
Happy Anniversary!! I love your videos. I already did the first 3 and just shared the blog.
Lori said…
Happy Anniversary! I LIKED you, I SHARED you and I've been BLOGGED by you. I can't be TWITTERED, but I can comment on your awesome workouts and how much I have enjoyed exercise since I discovered kettle bells. I started working out with you in May 2011 and now have my husband working out with kettle bells. Thank you so much!!!!
K Johnson said…
Hi Lauren! Where would we be without your excellent DVDs and training? The kettlebell world would be a much sadder place, that's for sure! I've seen a few other kettlebell training DVDs, but they just don't compare to yours - they range from ineffective to downright dangerous.

I've using kettlebells for almost three years now, and I never expected to get the results I have. I've slimmed down, toned up, and best of all, kettlebells have given me actual upper body strength - I can lift the 5 gallon water bottles at work now, something I never would've dreamed of doing pre-kettlebells.

So many thanks for all of the time and effort you've put into spreading the kettlebell love around! Here's to five more fit and fun years!
Jessica said…
Congrats on 5 years and thanks for doing a great giveaway! I'm already following you on FB.
Jessica said…
I just started following your blog, too!
Jessica said…
Why do I want to win? Well, I am relatively new to kettlebells. I had just started working with the first video and then received your new book and I love them both! I'm really enjoying the kettlebell workouts. I feel stronger than I have in years and am totally amazed at the things I can do. I look forward to every workout which is something new to me. I have a long way to go before my reflection in the mirror shows me the strong, athletic woman I know I am, but thanks to you, I am on my way. So glad to have found you!
Milly said…
Why do I want to win?
I met you last year at a Power Systems seminar and was very impressed by the ease and confidence with which you presented kettlebells. I became a certified personal trainer last June and besides training am also an instructor for a personal trainer development program. I would love to have more tools to share with my clients and students. Thank you - Milly N.
(PS I liked your Facebook and joined your blog too.)
Mel Bentley said…
Hi Lauren, congrats on 5 years. My first child is turning 5 in March and thats about the time I discovered kettlebells and your fab blog. After having a baby I wanted a quick effective workout I could do at home and kettlbells sounded perfect. I am from Australia and kettle bells are only just starting to get more recognition down here. Love your blog amd subscribe to it via your newsletter and follow you on facebook :)
Mommy said…
congratulations on 5 years! Such great dvds, book, inspiration, and information! you make kettlebells feel so much more approachable and I'm excited for this first drawing you're having...I'd love to have the opportunity to add to my collection of dvds I already have of you
Michelle said…
happy blog-a-versary! i love your dedication, honesty, and workouts. i posted your newest book on pinterest and was so excited every time it got repinned! i did all the entries - fb, twitter, followed your blog, and this!
Karen said…
Congrats, Lauren! I got your Ultimate Sculpt Vol I DVD a little over a year ago, and no matter how many other workouts I try, I keep coming back to the Vol. I -- awesome. I've been following your blog, and now I've Liked your FB and am following you on Twitter.

I'd love to win a copy of the book, which I've been just drooling to get, along with another of your DVDs. Just can't get enough! Your approach is so straightforward, and you always know how to offer encouragement at just the right time in the workout, when I'm thinking "can't go on..." And thank you for not being "rah, rah, sis-boom-bah!" A workout for intelligent people who just want a solid workout that *works* :)

Keep up the fantastic work, Lauren! (And your daughters are just *precious.*)
Rachel D. said…
I've been following your blog for years now. I think it was you posting about getting back into shape after having babies that kept drawing me back.

I'm not always consistent but keep going back to kettlebells because they work so much faster than anything else I've done and I really enjoy it.

I have 5 kids so I pretty much have to work out at home. Your Dvds make it happen! I can't wait to see your new book!
mariz said…
Hi Lauren, u rock!! I follow u on twitter and follow the blog and I just shared this page on Twitter:)
Sarah said…
Lauren, I have had a history of sciatica problems and am finally feeling good. However, when I tried kettlebells the problem started to flair up again...I need to make sure I learn correct form. I know there is a lot of kettlebell training out there that does not teach correct form. In my search for kettlebell DVDs I came across your training. Out of everything I have found I really trust your training the most. With my husband in school full time and three young children at home receiving some of your products would be such a blessing! Thanks for entering me :)
Sarah said…
Lauren, I have had a history of sciatica problems and am finally feeling good. However, when I tried kettlebells the problem started to flair up again...I need to make sure I learn correct form. I know there is a lot of kettlebell training out there that does not teach correct form. In my search for kettlebell DVDs I came across your training. Out of everything I have found I really trust your training the most. With my husband in school full time and three young children at home receiving some of your products would be such a blessing! Thanks for entering me :)
Happy 5 years! I'd like to win because not only am I in love with my baby boy, but I also am in love with staying fit to keep up with HIM in the years to come. Kettlebell workouts kept me strong through my pregnancy, and I KNOW they will keep me strong through motherhood!! All the help, creativity, and changing up my workouts will help me achieve my goals! :o)
Rachelle said…
Happy 5th anniversary. I have been doing your dvd for the past 7 months and love it. I would love to be a winner on your giveaway!
jodie said…
Congrats on 5 years, I liked your Facebook page.
jodie said…
I am following you on Twitter.
Anonymous said…
What an amazing and generous giveaway! To have access to more cutting edge information and experience your nutrition program would be the best gift ever!
Cheryl said…
Hi, my name is Cheryl. Congrats on your 5 yrs and your nomination. I absolutely love your dvd's. I have been exercising for a few yrs. I was not seeing many results and was bored. I actually had to talk myself into exercising and would find excuses not to. I tried the Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights {not knowing she used kettlebells}, I thought she was going to hurt herself. I thought there has to be a better way. I googled kettlebells and came across your website. I really liked the site and all the positive feedback. Last December I ordered vol 1 and I loved it. In February I ordered vol 2,3 and the workshop along with your book. I love those too. I actually look forward to exercising now and I am getting results. I would like to win to get the Kettlebell Lightening dvd and the nutrition program. I know if change my nutrition I would get even better results. I am trying but could use the guidance to do better.
Thanks for this opportunity!
Cheryl said…
Hi, my name is Cheryl.
Congrats on your 5 yrs and your nomination. I absolutely love your DVD’s. I have been exercising for a few yrs. I was not seeing many results and was bored. I actually had to talk myself into exercising and would find excuses not to. I tried the Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights {not knowing she used kettlebells}, I thought she was going to hurt herself. I thought there has to be a better way. I googled kettlebells and came across your website. I really liked the site and all the positive feedback others left. Last December I ordered vol 1 and I loved it!! In February I ordered vol 2, 3 and the workshop along with your book. I love those too. I actually look forward to exercising now and I am getting results. I would like to win to get the Kettlebell Lightening DVD and the nutrition program. I know if change my nutrition I would get even better results. I am trying but could use the guidance to do better.
I completed all 5 options. You are truly inspiring, thanks for this opportunity!
amyant said…
Just signed up to follow your blog...
amyant said…
Just signed up to follow your blog
amyant said…
Liked you on Facebook
amyant said…
Followed you on Twitter
amyant said…
Shared you on Pinterest!
amyant said…
My name is Amy and I just stumbled across your blog because I am looking for a new and inspiring way of working out. I used kettlebells briefly a few years ago as part of a broader workout plan, so I was really excited to see your how powerful and empowering these workout could be. Can't wait to get started!!
Penny said…
Happy 5th Anniversary!
I liked you on Facebook and signed up to get your newsletter. I have all of your KB workouts (except BB's) and LOVE your workouts! I do these workouts with my daughter who is graduating this year and she always picks YOUR workouts to do with KB's. So I would LOVE to win these workouts so she can have her own set to start her workout collection and continue on this lifelong journey of living healthy and staying fit. Here's to 5 more years!
runangelarun said…
I already like your FB page and follow this blog.
I would really like the prize of the nutrition program. I need to put all the pieces together!
with 4 kids- ages 12, 9, 9 and 7 I have come a long way with my weight loss and fitness. (need to shed the last 15 lbs)I stay at home with them and they enjoy seeing me do kettlebell workouts. They refer to "Lauren" like they know her personally! :)
runangelarun said…
I also shared this blog on my fb page.
Stacie said…
Congrats on your Anniversary :) I'd like to win because I am once again searching for something in life. 6 months ago I thought I found my passion for fitness, then severe depression hit too close to home. It's been a real battle and one that seems far from over, but in my heart finding that passion I had to get healthy is back in my mind. It's been a long road but I am back scouring the internet for health and fitness topics again.
Grayer's Mom said…
I love your first Dvd,I used it to get my prebaby body back. I am now expecting my second child and would love to win the Baby Bells Dvd. It has had great reviews and I am anxious to start it :)
megan said…
Hi Lauren. When I got my first kettlebell and DVD I decided I better preview the DVD before trying it. Well I cried through the whole thing. Years ago I fractured my lower back and developed arthritis. I thought I had just wasted all that money. I decided I should try the kettlebell workout since I already had it. So glad I did. Kettlebells are so much fun! I get a great cardio and toning effect - 2 for 1. Thanks Lauren and happy 5 years.
megan said…
Hello Lauren. I was so excited when I got my kettlebell and my first DVD. I decided to preview it first and cried through the whole thing. Years ago I had fractured my lower back and deveolped arthritis. I decided to try it anyway and am so glad I did. I love my kettlebell! Your tutorials were a big help. Thank you and happy 5 years!
E Cuomo said…
I am a 34 yr old military spouse who has changed her life with your kb instruction. Life is stressful and the workouts you provide on the 4 dvd's I have help clear my mind and center me in times of stress. It is hard enough raising two kids and taking care of a house and dog on your own, but having your husband gone for months at a time, your best friend being away like that, the stress is overwhelming sometimes. I can put on your dvd, or do one of your workouts and I focus on me, my strength, my power, and all the stress eases away. So thank you for changing my life and making me a better person, mother, and wife.
Lauren I started the new year with you and Ultimate workout volume 1. I've always been a walker/hiker and wanted to start strength training. I tell everyone now about kettlebells. LOVE them and your tape!

I liked everything and am sharing on my FB group page for ladies losing weight this year.
kettlebell workshop dvd

Jane A said…
I'm Jane and I have never touched a kettlebell in my whole life. I'm a mom to 4 great kids ages 9, 6, and 4 year old twins. I recently started running each day while my twins are at preschool and have decided that I definitely need to add some strength training back into my life. (It's been awhile!)I'm down 16 pounds from the running, but I am so ready to tone up and get out of the "MOM JEANS." S.O.S.!!! In doing some research online, your name kept coming up as an instructor who will show me how to do kettlebells RIGHT and very effectively. So here I am!

I liked your FB page, followed you on twitter, and followed your blog.

So glad to have found you as a kettelebell resource!
Katydid said…
Congrats on 5 years! :D Thanks for sharing your knowledge, motivation & inspiration.
I liked you on FB.
kculver8 at gmail dot com
Katydid said…
Congratulations on 5 years! :-D Thanks for sharing your knowledge, motivation & inspiration.
I liked you on FB.
kculver8 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
My name is Kristina. And I am so thankful for your DVDs and articles. I just had a miscarriage in Feb. after doing a so-called prenatal workout that exhausted me and I hope to use this time to be at the best possible level of fitness and nutrition that I can achieve before I become pregnant again. I just completed my 9th Kettle bell workout and your DVDs are my favorite workouts. And it is wonderful to know about your Baby Bells DVD. Thank you for sharing your journey of recovery from pregnancy and childbirth with us, I feel greatly encouraged! P.S. This is why I would like to win!
Anonymous said…
Elizabeth Finch said.....
I had my third child 2 yrs ago and went from a size 10 to a size 16!! since then i have had some health issues due to my fast weight gain. This is a vast contrast to the person i used to be and sometimes i just feel like giving up. I have followed Laurenn on twitter and facebook for a long while now and have watched clips on you tube, she is truelly an inspiration and to even be half of what she is would be a honour, i have never used kettle bells before but would love to have the oppurtunity to use this to get my life back, it is much needed!
Anonymous said…
Elizabeth Finch said.....
I had my third child 2 yrs ago and went from a size 10 to a size 16!! since then i have had some health issues due to my fast weight gain. This is a vast contrast to the person i used to be and sometimes i just feel like giving up. I have followed Laurenn on twitter and facebook for a long while now and have watched clips on you tube, she is truelly an inspiration and to even be half of what she is would be a honour, i have never used kettle bells before but would love to have the oppurtunity to use this to get my life back, it is much needed! I liked your FB, followed u on twitter followed ur bolg and shared you on fb and twitter x
Anonymous said…
elizabeth finch
erica hou said…
Hi Lauren-
I'm so glad that I can come to your classes! Kettle bells just make me feel so strong and powerful! I'd love to win. As you know I'm 4.5 months past my c-section and I still feel like I have a long way to go to get back into shape. My job is ver physical as I help people rehab and get out of the hospital and get home. I need to stay strong for myself so that I can continue to help others. Id also like to lose those pesky last 10 pounds from my pregnancy!!
I did all of the above to enter your contest except twitter
Shasta said…
Happy Anniversary Lauren! My name is Shasta Law and in Jan 2011 I embarked on a journey of learning how to live a healthier lifestyle. I weighed 165lbs and was in desperate need of a change. I started to educate myself on healthier food choices and portion size. I had no idea what I was putting into my body until I started a food journal and that was an eye opening experience. I had no idea I was consuming half the calories I was on a normal day basis. I started to exercise for the 1st time in my life and eventually started seeing results. I am now down 35lbs and almost to my goal weight of 125lbs. I would love to win this contest because I do not know anything about exercising with kettle balls. This would be an additional tool for me to use to transform my body. I would love to learn how to build lean muscle and tone up and I think using kettle balls is the perfect way to do so. I have already liked your page, subscribed to the blog and shared this page on my FB. My email address is You are obviously a great inspiration to many people all over the world so thank you for all that you do and share with us ;)
Anonymous said…
Hi Lauren! I am Jennifer and absolutely love your DVD's and book. I am also the mother of a beautiful little girl and have another little girl due next month.

With that said, it is very important to me that I create a an enviornment of healthy eating and exercise for my daughters. I never want them to know the word diet - just balance...I never want them to know exercise as anything other than giving your body the movement it needs - not something you do to be 'skinny'.

This is where I need your help. Your DVD's are incredible sources of education for fitness but I am totally lacking in the nutrition department! I have always been an 'all or none' type of gal and we all know that leads to disaster and disappointment. I would love to win your contest so I can learn the proper mechanics of healthy eating so I can pass it on to my daughters.

Thank you for creating this blog and for being such a great role model for total fitness - even after kids (:

Jennifer said…
Hello Lauren,

Happy Anniversary!

My name is Jennifer and I am the proud mother of a beautiful 3 year old daughter and will be delivering my second daughter next month!

WIth that said, it is very important to me that I create an enviornment of healthy eating and exercise. The last thing I want is for my daughters to grow up around the word 'diet' and to think of exercise as a means to be 'skinny'. Balance and feeding your body the movement it needs are key.

I want to win your contest so I can learn the fundamentals to living a fit and nutritionally sound lifestlye so I can pass it along to my daughters (and husband by default - poor guy always gets left out LOL).

I went ahead and completed all the bullets for entering the contest besides Twitter.

Thank you for your consideration for this contest but most importantly for being such a great inspiration and role model!

Jennifer Denley
Kez said…
Happy Anniversary Lauren! My partner bought me my first kettlebell last Christmas and since then our little kettlebell "family" has grown to accommodate our increasing strength and fitness while we have trained together with your DVDs. Our inspiring story is still a work-in-progress at this stage. Having tried many different forms of exercise, only kettlebells have held our interest as they are consistently challenging ... and very rewarding!

On behalf of all your fans and followers worldwide, I would like to thank you for your accessible kettlebell instruction and nutrition tools. You've de-stigmatized the macho-manness of resistance training and empowered us mere mortals to greatness!

Cheers to another 5 years from your fan club in Brisbane, Australia!!!
Anonymous said…
Hello Lauren, Happy Anniversary! My name is Lisa Rizzo & I would really like to win. I gave birth, by c-section, to my precious son 2 day's before I turned 40. He is my greatest gift ever! My wish is to stay in shape & be healthy to have a very happy & long life with my husband & son. Winning this contest would really help with this goal. I have read reviews that say your instruction & form are the absolute best. Thank you for reading.
Jennifer said…
My name is Jennifer G. I have been following you on FB for awhile now.Even sharing you blog pg today. I was turned on to you by a old friend from High School. Karyn Randolph. I have seen what the bell has done for her and it amazes me. I live in Arizona now and no where near places that have classes. I have tried to pick up the form but I know I am a long way from mastering it. I have been working out regularly for at least 5 years now. But my body has not gotten to where I would like it to. Having one of your DVDs would be so amazing and guide me. I hold so admiration for you and I have never met you. You are the women and mother so many of us strive to be. I am happy for you and wish you another great 5 years.

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