I would have put a picture of peanut butter cups or chocolate bars but I wouldn't want to entice anyone to have some. I would be lying if I said that I resisted the halloween candy temptations. When food is brought in to my house I will end up eating it. Every day this week I have managed to eat some candy. I feel guilty but then again I feel it's ok. I have been so strict with what I have been eating that I allow myself to indulge every now and again.
Speaking of my normal eating habits, Tracy had encouraged me to take a picture of what I eat. Last night I made Spagetti Squash and put organic marinara sauce on top with some turkey meatballs. I also steamed some cauliflower and brocolli to get some extra veggies. Then for dessert I had a fruit salad that I made. Everything was pretty simple to make. If I can make it anyone can. Here is what it looks like. I found it bit humerous taking a picture of my dinner plate. The picture of the Reeses peanut butter cup is not in there. That should go next to my fruit salad. 8-) Yes I am human too, which many people joke around with me about.
LIfe is definitely getting better! Ben also had his first workout yesterday. He is very sore today but I am proud of him!
Glad to see Ben is feeling better!
You should of included the PNB cup, in fact I think you've inspired me to take a picture of a "bad" food meal or day...I think it's just what I need. I've been bad lately and hiding a bit!
Time to come clean.
We are all entitled to itty bitty secrets! Kind of like my Coldstone icecream I had on Saturday night. Yummmm it was good!
Is everything okay??