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21 Day Squat Challenge with Lauren Brooks


Starting January 1st, 2021


by Lauren Brooks

Look at me just browsing through my gallery of squat challenges! Every year for the past six years I have held a virtual squat challenge. (See, I was doing social distancing before it was even cool!) Believe it or not, this is the SIXTH year of the 21 Day Squat Challenge. If you are looking forward to a new year and a new booty, get ready to sign up for the 21 Day Squat Challenge.  It is free, as challenging as you can stand and includes 21 days of videos and TONS of encouragement. Knowing me, I will also have an AMAZING prize for one lucky participant in the squat challenge.  How does a year’s membership to Lauren’s Playground sound? If you're already a member, you'll get a credit!   Enticing, I’m sure!

Squats are one of the most beneficial exercises to practice. Not only do squats make you stronger, burn more fat and give you that nice booty, but as we age we really need to practice squats. Squats can rebalance your body structure, help strengthen and mobilize your knees, ankles, hips, abs  and will even improve your digestion, energy and mood! Who knew squats were so important on so many levels? I could go on and on about the importance of squats, but why don’t you find out for yourself and join the challenge in the new year? 

By the way, this year we will have lots of prizes and awards along the way for participation, efforts, and encouragement in our facebook group community.  In addition to the 21 Day Squat Challenge, there will be some exciting new additions to Lauren’s Playground. The very popular Renew and Reset program will be launching again to wipe off 2020 and start anew.  A lot of people like to do the Squat Challenge along with Renew and Reset, as they compliment each other well. If you are currently a Lauren’s Playground member, you will have access in the new year. If you aren’t a member, new invitations will be sent out in January. Stay Tuned!

Your invitation to join the 6th Annual Squat Challenge is right here. If you haven't secured your spot sign up here. If you've worked out with me before all you have to do is register for FREE and sign in.

  All you have to do is register and GET YOUR SQUAT ON starting January 1st. I will give you the entire low down!

Don't take my word for it, see what people are saying about the Squat Challenge below:


Tempest Sharp: I loved it for a couple reasons, gained strength, totally motivated by a few people in particular, and i loved checking in.. i'm hoping for a sldl, on the next one ha ha ha

Denice Harlow Johnson: Doing a manageable challenge on FB was fun I must say. I was definitely inspired by these folks. My legs got a bit stronger I'm sure.

Jill Singer: For me, next time I'll take the total squats of the week and average them for an "every other day" workout so my body has a chance to rest.

Husna Lapidus: For me it was the accountability and the motivation from all the other squat challenge participants. It was easy enough to not be daunting but enough of a challenge to feel worthwhile.

Angela Clark: 21 days is a sweet spot that gave me an extra push/challenge to my existing training. I really focused on my form. This challenge was Totally achievable for anyone at any level! Especially when motivated by such a fantastic group! 

Sarah Post: Fun! Engaging! Good length and very tangible progress!

Deanna Russo Terzo: LOVED IT! Ready for next one:)

Olivia Fenion: Loved it as it kept me motivated and seeing everyone else participating just spurred me on so I didn't give up! smile emoticon Didn't manage to post on all days but kept up, and it also made me want to do more exercise around it. Usually I would have a couple of days off in a week, but the challenge kept me going every day! 

Iris Guadian: I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this challenge. I don't typically participate in these kinds of exercise challenges, but I decided to try yours because it's you. I can actually do a proper goblet squat now. Before I would only go halfway for various reasons. My body is noticeably stronger and that's transferring over to my other workouts.

Lily Hennessey: I really enjoyed it! It was short and sweet, both in the amount of time spent per day and the overall length of the challenge. I liked that I could use weights that worked best for me and was inspired by the progress and weights used by the rest of the group. And most of all, it was fun and not like anything else out there!

Martha Miller: I myself prefer a rest day here and there, but I looked at it as a challenge – much like a bike tour I would do, where I don't ride every day at home but then challenge myself by doing so on the tour. It was fun and motivating, and I enjoyed keeping accountable on here and seeing other people be successful too!

Lindsey Dunn: Glad I did it! Didn't post for unrelated reasons, but the extra squats each day were a nice addition to be slam 2. I didn't mind the no rest days since it isn't too difficult to just do a few squats each day.

Danielle Fox: Being 23 weeks pregnant I know I need to keep moving. I need to have a strong core and mobility in my hips. This squat challenge has forced me to focus on form and foundation while performing deep squats. I have been able to increase my weight without sacrificing proper form. I have also increased mobility through my hips and down into my Achilles. This challenge has been awesome!!!!!!

Tasha Olson: I haven’t done one of these challenges before and I’m blown away on how rewarding and fun this experience has been. It has kept me accountable (especially with the encouragement of the Facebook group), gained strength and increased my flexibility.

Tricia Berg Layde: This has been great and tons of fun. I enjoyed it more being part if the Facebook

Debbie Fisher: Really enjoyed it! (Have to finish today...tonight.) I did get tired but really was motivated and inspired by the group posts. I do feel stronger in my legs and can see more muscles. Definitely feeling the heaving swings in my abs that I did along with the squats. 21 days is very doable.

Kimberly Matteson Hagler: I really enjoyed it! I didn't "officially" enter but started and posted here occasionally. I haven't been training in awhile and it was a great way to ease back into it. I feel now I'm ready to actually start training again and remembering how effective it can be with not a lot of time (as a mom of 3 busy kids and hubs).

Charly Noyes: It's been fun!! And I feel so much stronger overall! Definitely pushed me to my heaviest squatting weight thus far in my journey! And the accountability has been a huge help!

Emily Wakefield: Being part of the #laurenbrooksfitness #21daysofsquatschallenge has been an amazing experience. Not only did it motivate me to try and do something everyday but it gave me something to be accountable to

Aimee Neumann Stefanski: It's always fun to start off the new year with a fitness challenge. Kept me motivated and was fun to not only encourage other fellow squatters but be encouraged as well. I think we have a great group here and it was a blast! Pushed me to get a heavier bell which I've been needing to do for a long time! Can't wait for the next challenge!!

Hilary Girvin Bell: Loved it!!! Need more bells wink emoticon def kept me accountable. Will post day 21 later today xo

Tammi Rippeon: Love the accountability and the ability to meet new people that share similar interests. Love that the challenge focused on increasing weight - have seen a lot of challenges where the reps seem unrealistic. Was able to focus on form! My quads are on fire today! Would love to do another challenge and receive tips on form, nutrition, etc! Cheers everyone!

Charmaine Hanshaw: Far and away the mental aspect turned out to be huge for me - gave me back my gumption. I've loved being a part of this group so much, encouraging people and receiving encouragement and sharing a laugh or two along the way. 
Carrie Ann Regnier: I really liked doing this challange! It was something that I was sure that I could do and follow through with it! I really like the group that we have going here! It is so nice to get feed back and inspiration from women who have common interests 

Cindy Williams: It has been just what I needed to jumpstart a much needed consistent workout routine. I started with body weight squats and am so glad that I did- taking my time getting the form down.

Heather Sand: I loved being part of this challenge. It pushed me to do something all the way and took my hatred of squats and turned it into something manageable.I love seeing my co-participants posts and it motivated me to get my challenge done for the day no matter how I felt or how busy I was! Thank you for hosting!

Kim Stanley: I totally agree with everyone thus far. This has been especially good for me in the accountability area. I love how versatile this challenge has been with how it can be tailored to fit anyone's fitness level and needs. It has helped me make better food choices as well. I now just walk on past the Peanut Butter Butterfingers without stopping!

Eileen Ken Laughlin: I really enjoyed this challenge. Some days were more of a challenge than others, but it was such a manageable and attainable goal each day, I couldn't not do them. Surprised myself A) that I stuck with it and B) the weight I was worried about (16kg) 
Erin Burton: I thought it was so fantastic!!! We had an amazing group of people who helped each other get through it!

Janelle Erdman Ramberger: I enjoyed the challenge very much! I love pushing myself to see what I'm capable of! This challenge was was just the right amount of work. Some days felt easy, but then til the end of each week, I knew it was a challenge! I know I'm stronger today than I was 3 weeks ago!

Tempest Sharp: ok and a additional thought on this. One reason its ink this was so easy to stay with. The schedule, as in you didn't add "said" reps each day, each week, we started over, so it was a break, so to speak, even though yes, some of us went up some or alot in weight, by starting the weeks new with lower reps it was easier to obtain a heavier weight goal... way to set up a good schedule.

Thinkon These: What an amazing challenge! My legs feel so much stronger. After slacking during the holidays, I was dreading picking up where I left off. This was just the boost I needed to get back on track. The accountability makes a huge difference, too. Thank you Lauren Brooks.. and you too, Todd Graham!!!

Gemina Kaeha: This challenge was awesome with no dread factor at all. Even on days that I didn't feel great I was able to accomplish the challenge training and it always re-energized me. This was a great add on to other training sessions or even great on rest days. And I love love love all the support and people in this group!! Thanks Lauren for putting it all together. And congrats to everyone who did the challenge!

Tracy Watson: I have loved this challenge. I was just starting to workout some again after a back injury when you posted it. So many other squat challenges looked dreadful to me. I had no desire to build up to a reps in the 200s like most of the others.

Melissa Szurovy: I loved the simplicity and that it was at each persons own pace. I never felt (too) bad if I had to miss a day, catch up or finish a day late.

Leslie Reid-Green I am really glad I did this. On days when I got no other activity I still did my squats. I am thinking of starting it again on February 1st. 


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