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Feeling Revived!

i have to admit, these past 2 weeks I have felt extremely lethargic and low energy. With what life has thrown my way, I have not been able to stick to my goals. This is the first time in years that I haven't followed through with my word. I understand life can get in the way and get you off track. The longer you wait to jump back on, the harder it may get. So finally I forced myself to make some time for me. This morning I went in my back yard and had one of the BEST workouts I have had in a long time. Because it had been weeks since I've been consistent in my training I was surprised that I had the strength to do this fun workout.

My weight for the past week has been 111 pounds and I'm still exclusively breastfeeding. The only thing I can say I have really been doing right, is eating super super clean. I never let myself go hungry and I'm snacking all the time! I haven't been this light for 8 years. So I thought for sure I wouldn't have the strength to even work with a bell heavier than the 12kg. So here it goes!

TURKISH GET UP 12 kg 2-3 on each side
DOUBLE FRONT SQUATS 2 12KG'S 5 reps (very surprised I could do this)
CLEAN AND PRESS 12KG'S 5 on each side
SWINGS 20KG 15reps

Completed 3 sets

SNATCHES 12kg 1 min
SWINGS 20KG 30 sec

Completed 3 sets with 1 minute rest in between each exercise

After this short, but intense, workout I feel like something has awoken inside of me. I feel REVIVED!!!! I'm ready to start working on those pistols now! I am able to get one on my right leg, but I want both legs to feel easy like they use to.

A good start to a beautiful weekend here in Sunny San Diego!!!


Brandon said…
Impressive workout... especially for not feeling on top of your game. Intense! I like it.
Unknown said…
Just to let you know, even if you weren't feeling at the top of your game, you still inspired me. Congrats on feeling revived!
Lauren Brooks said…

Thank you. I rather have a short and intense workout, rather than a long and easy workout. Intensity is what gets my heart pumping.
Lauren Brooks said…

So glad that I do inspire you. You did awesome the other day with the kettlebells. Can't wait to hear how your progress is going!

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