CONFESSION #4 - I'm Not A Perfect Mom
CONFESSION #4 I’m not a perfect mom. I must admit, there’s been times where I throw my hands up with frustration and feel as if I’m just not cut out for the mother thing. Often wondering how other moms out there do it. Then there are times where I feel being a mom is the greatest gift on this universe. I’ve looked around at other moms, you know the ones that always look cool, calm and perfectly put together, running around solo with 6 kids. Anyone know those moms?
We moms often put entirely too much pressure on ourselves. Have you ever noticed moms can be the most judgmental of other moms? We like to compare our lives and keep score.
I often over hear conversations like this in “mom groups”. Wow it took her a long time to get the baby weight off? I haven’t seen her volunteer at school much. She’s on another work trip? Doesn’t she care about her kids? She’s at the gym again? Doesn’t she ever go to her kids performances? How many activities are her kids in? That mom cooks only organic, from scratch and is always put together. How does she do it? I saw that mom taking her kids to McDonald’s the other day, she clearly doesn’t care about health. She’s always out with her friends, she must have a bad marriage. She never goes out, she must be antisocial. The judgement never ends!
The constant pressure to be THE PERFECT mom is overwhelming. Moms come in all forms. They can be career women, stay at home or do both. She can cook from scratch, order out, wear lots of make up or wear no make up at all. She can be skinny, muscular, big, laugh a lot or be serious. She can choose to be a badass and throw some heavy weights around or choose to be mellow and binge watch tv. There’s no right or wrong. There’s no perfect way and nobody has it down to a perfect science. We’re all doing the very best we know how.
Moms, let’s unite and support each other. Let other moms release the guilt from the pressure. Being a mom is effing hard! I don’t have it down pat. I love the ever living crap out of my kids. I also love my passions and savor my moments alone being guilt free. Cheers to all of the imperfect moms out there doing it their way! #momlife#perfectlyimperfect