Letting Go of The Past
“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
– Joseph Campbell
Have you ever found yourself angry, sad, or constantly obsessing about something that happened to you in the past? Feelings from past events that infiltrate into your present moment can be severely toxic. For example, dwelling on how your ex betrayed you and broke your heart can impact your future relationships. You will have a difficult time trusting anyone or being vulnerable with your heart since it was smashed in the past. But by closing that door and letting go of these past experiences, you can experience joy again.
We all know that changing the past is completely impossible unless we have a time machine. So until a time machine is invented, you have to find a way to stop carrying past events and feelings associated with them around with you.
Sounds so easy, doesn’t it? It truly is easier said than done. One way of having more control of letting go of the past is to know you can’t do one thing about it. There is nothing you can do to change it.
What you can do is create new memories and begin paving a new road for yourself. Paving the new road can be an emotional step, but once you scratch the surface, each step can get easier and brighter. It’s not uncommon to hit some rough patches and have some of the old road and behaviors resurface along the way. It can be so painful that your heart aches and you feel sick inside. Having the right tools and skills will help you with the bumpy less-paved road you may experience before you get to the smooth-paved roads where you can really let yourself fly.
1. Visualize Your New Life
Starting a new path is challenging. You have to just take the first step, no matter how painful it is, and know what your intention is. Visualizing what you want in your life and how you want to feel is going to allow you to climb to your goals.
2. Change the Channel on Your Old Life

3. Start a New Hobby in Your New Life
4. Clear Your Past With Walking
Going for a walk is another way to not only get your blood pumping but really clear the cobwebs. Many walkers experience almost trance-like thoughts and feelings rolling through their heads once the walking groove sets in. Walking is one of the easiest ways to change the channel and get your activity in, as well.
5. Always Find a Way to Laugh

Please share with me some of your favorite ways you’ve been able let go of the past and move forward. How do you change the channel when a thought that doesn’t serve you comes to you?
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