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Over the last few months I have performed some lifts that I previously didn’t think could be done by a gal my size. After exchanging some emails with Pavel, he has asked me to write about how I made this happen. I was very honest with him and told him that I didn’t train for it or even try very hard. In fact, the path I took was quite boring. Then I remembered I’m writing for a population that likes “boring” programs. Not boring in our eyes, but it would be as boring as it comes for the mainstream fitness buff.
I discovered that strength can work in very mysterious ways. Living with toxic stress and/or poisonous people can weigh you down in all aspects of life. There’s only so much one body and mind can take. I’ve found for both my students and me, stress takes your strength away and makes all lifts feel heavy. You find yourself training harder during the times you are stressed and risk getting weaker or injured in the process. Letting go of the energy vampires and truly owning the path you take in life is much easier said than done. If everyone could take charge of their own life, we’d have a lot of powerful happy people. Personally I’ve released some very heavy things from my life over the last year. I will admit, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. On the flip side, once I got through the thick of it and began to have clarity, it allowed me to conquer almost anything that came my way.
Back to physical strength: I currently weigh between 112 and 114 pounds. In the last several months, with minimal training, I achieved a 62 pound Get Up, 13 Ring Pull-ups, 140 pound Single Leg Dead Lifts and a Ring Pull-up with 53 pounds hanging from my feet. So how did this happen?  ....



JB said…
Wonderful article Lauren. You're a true inspiration to the kettlebell community. My wife especially is a huge fan of yours.

Your contributions to Strongfirst are amazing! Keep it up!

Jenny said…
Thank you for a very insightful post, stronger mentally has always equaled stronger physically for me too :-)
Adam Baratz said…
Really great post! Keep up the great work.

Its amazing how we can create virtuous or destructive cycles. You are clearly on a cycle that is leading to personal and physical growth. Its inspiring!
Johnny Z said…
A very great article indeed. When it comes to kettlebells you are truly the queen! :D. I love the passion and inspiration you bring across. Keep it up.

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