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Showing posts from August, 2012

Kettlebell Fitness with Lauren Brooks App is Ready

I'm very proud to announce the release of this Kettlebell app .  This app is designed for those just starting their kettlebell journey as well as those wanting to refine their skills and develop the fundamentals.  This app takes you step by step through exercises tutorials and then you will be able apply what you have learned in several different workouts!  If you have enjoyed  any of my DVD's , especially Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells , you will love this app. The detail and lay out of this comprehensive app that Mahalo productions produced and created with me is truly amazing.  I am blown away by the work and quality of this app that the Mahalo team put together!  Much less the fact that if this were one of my DVD's it would be at least $40-$50 a pop.  This detailed app is available for watching, but even better you can download any of the intricate tutorials and workouts to your device so you don't have to worry about ...

Frozen Coconut Banana Protein Smoothie

Don't you dare throw your coconut flesh away!  When I was pregnant with my first baby 6 years ago, I some how stumbled upon fresh young coconuts.  The market near my house would actually open them for you if you requested it.  They would stick a straw in the top and I would drink the coconut water as I walked around shopping.  Well by the time I was done shopping I had already finished it and was craving another one.  The fresh coconut water that came out of these amazing coconuts were pure heaven to me and extremely hydrating.  I was extremely thirsty during my pregnancy to the point even water wouldn't satisfy me.  Now many times I would eat the flesh, but sometimes my stomach wouldn't be in the mood for it.  I actually use to just throw the coconut away. BIG MISTAKE!  Scoop the flesh out and put it in the freezer for homemade smoothies and ice cream treats. Here is a smoothie I just made this morning before my strength and ...