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Starting the Day Off Just Right

If I can begin my day with a wakeboard session every morning I certainly would. Unfortunately, I can't justify taking the time out of my busy days to do this for myself, not to mention it could get very expensive. Even on a regular basis it just doesn't make sense for me with my life. Priorities really shift when you have kids and run your own business. Doing pleasurable things such as below really do get put on the back burner. The only time I can allow myself to do things that are not "practical" with my crazy schedule is on my birthday! It's the one day out of the year I give myself the gift of something that I just want, within reason of course. I started this tradition 2 years ago on my 30th birthday. Then a year went by and I was going to do it again for my 31st, but unforutantely I tore my ACL, several weeks prior. That changed my plans really quickly about being able to do something active and super fun on my birthday. (Was kind of depressing actually) Instead I gifted myself a massage and some how was able to hobble around with some incredible girls for a ladies night of fun out in the town. So it wasn't so bad. ;-)

This year I knew I had to go back out on the water. However, being that I still have not repaired my ACL the surgical way, I was still a bit hesitant. I was invited to go out on a boat a few weeks back. I took the opportunity but only had a few minutes since I had to work that morning. The bindings on the wakeboard that was available happened to be much too large for me, so it forced me not to keep it very mellow. Especially since I could barely carve without feeling like I was going to fall out of the bindings, it was fun just getting wet. Now yesterday was different! I rented a boat for 30 minutes and brought my little girls and husband to celebrate. My motto is go big or go home, which can be quite dangerous when easing back in to something. Here is a quick video clip of some footage. The rest of the evening, well, I can't really share because it was a night to remember. My friends who joined me would be mad if I revealed anything, so I'll just leave it as it was a night I'll NEVER forget! Thanks guys!

My buddy Will from Intrinzik records produced this song. You can buy Intrinzik's new single "Rock & Roll" at iTunes now!


Wayne said…
Oh yea. Tearing it up. You we're utilizing the wake you had. If The boat had a bigger wake you would be air borne either the way it looked like the rope was not coming off a high point. That helps tons. great stuff you are very aggressive out there. Look up Dave brisco. He is the best wake board instructor I have been to. Also he is killer funny! Later kiddo. Never quit

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