Baby Bells: The Fit Kettlebell Pregnancy Workout - available in DVD and Downloadable format or in Lauren's Playground
BABY BELLS - The Fit Pregnancy DVD. DOWNLOAD IS Ready!! This downloaded to ANY mobile device, computer, laptop, apple tv, ipad, iphone, ipod touch, and ipod.
NOW AVAILABLE IN Lauren's Playground (Online Gym with access to hundreds of hours of videos, workout programs, recipes and an incredible community). Join today here. Monthly and Yearly options.

Since a lot of pregnancy exercise videos are non-strenuous to the point of silliness, I didn't expect Baby Bells to be that challenging, and was pleasantly surprised at what a satisfying workout it gave me. I continue to do it about three to four days a week, along with prenatal yoga and daily long dog walks. 28 weeks into my pregnancy, my husband is still saying I've never looked more fit, particularly in my legs--and I have an abundance of strength and energy. I've only gained about 16 pounds so far, and haven't changed dress sizes at all apart from the belly. I know that without kettlebells and your DVD, I would not feel nearly this good or be this healthy during pregnancy.
Thank you again for the unique and wonderful work you're doing --your DVD has really made a huge difference for my pregnancy and I am so grateful to have found it! I hope it will make a difference for many other women too!"
and now for the PERFECT compliment to this DVD.Thank you again for the unique and wonderful work you're doing --your DVD has really made a huge difference for my pregnancy and I am so grateful to have found it! I hope it will make a difference for many other women too!"
Great Safe Challenge Review by Jessy Ko "Mommy Shopper"
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I would recommend that once in your second trimester or further in your pregnancy you reduce the number of exercises you do with the kettlebell as you follow the video or consider doing just one of the workout segments per workout plus warm up and cool down. As well as, decreasing the amount of weight you use as you progress in your pregnancy. Plus remember to take water breaks and let your heart rate come down in between every circuit in the video.
Do not start this video if you have not been working out, are new to working out, and in your second trimester or further. I would think the combination of the three together would make this video way to difficult for you. (Posted on 6/9/2015)
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THIS VIDEO is what I have been looking for. It's sufficiently challenging, well paced, and a good use of time. The instructor is extremely pregnant herself and demonstrates everything, and includes a modification caption. The video gets your heart pumping, but keeps moving, allowing you to pause the video for how long you need to catch your breath. I really like that, so the pace of the video is solid. I definitely feel this the next day.
If you're brand new, get it, and work your way into it, and if you've been exercising before, I think you'll be happy with this video, it'll keep you working. (Posted on 6/9/2015)
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The DVD is broken down into warmup, workout, and cool-down. The workout section has three "rounds" of exercises (3-5 exercises per round that are repeated twice). Not all of the exercises involve a kettlebell/weight (e.g., side planks, pushups), and she gives the option of using dumbbells for people who may not have used kettlebells. Lauren also shows modifications for each of the exercises so that women who've never used kettlebells or prefer to not use weights at all can do them.
Highly recommend it! (Posted on 6/9/2015)
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It's good for pregnant people Review by Lilia Esposito
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I will agree that the production is not as high quality as other DVDs compared to the price, but I enjoy this too much for that to be a factor. I also wouldn't necessarily recommend this to someone who has never worked with a kettlebell before as she does not verbally review basic form (aside from what you see) which may not benefit some new to this type of workout. (Posted on 6/9/2015)
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Now that I am pregnant I tried this and I could actually do it with a 10lb bell (or no bell) and am in the 1 week recovery range. I want to keep doing it once a week until I recover faster and can work up to more. I like that is is safe for all trimesters so you can use it the entire pregnancy. Lauren is good in letting you rest to get your heart rate down, and at 38 minutes you can still do it with your preggo exhaustion. She says you can do it with a dumbbell as well. And it actually has enough of a warm up and cool down that you don't have to do more before/after like most videos that only have like a 30 sec cool down.
Only negative: this video offers NO instruction. You need to know how to do the kettlebell swing, overhead swing, clean & press. I learned how to do these from Lauren's instruction in her other DVD. Or look on Youtube. Otherwise everything is very simple.
BONUS: if you buy from Lauren's website she has a pregnancy e-book with TONNNNNS of preggo kettlebell workouts if you are more experienced! (Posted on 6/9/2015)
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It did come scratched though (bought used in "excellent condition"), so I just have to rewind to do two sets of the second set of exercises, or just remember what we did and repeat them. Not too big of a deal though. (Posted on 6/9/2015)