I thought I'd share a workout that my super strong kick ass class did this week. It was a beautiful day outside here in Encinitas at around 68 degrees. This was the class design. Feel free to give this a shot.
Part 1:
Partner you go I go. Go through each exercise back and forth with your partner. First round you will do 2 reps of each then your partner will go, then 4 reps of each then your partner, 6, 8, and finally 10!
2 Kettlebells needed.
Push Ups on Bells
Double Front Squats
Double High Pulls
Double or Single Stationary Lunges
While your partner is working you are lightly stretching your hip flexors, glutes, or chest in between. Reps 2,4,6,8,10. Your partner is really there to pace yourself. If you try this alone take rests as needed so you can go in fresh. Let me know how you do.
Part 2:
Pull - Ups or Rows 75%
Planks - 30 seconds
Snatches 5,4,3,2,1
Repeat 2-3x
Many of my ladies were snatching 20kg's with ease. Katie Dawers at only 123 pounds was using DOUBLE 20 KG'S throughout the majority of Part 1. Very proud of my whole class! More and more strong ladies are disproving the get big and bulkier theory when using heavy weights. I have the tiniest girls using the heaviest bells. Come on people let's wake up and start lifting heavy sh#t! (properly of course with good structural integrity)
Tell me how you do with this workout!
Thanks for the new workout. I started out thinking two times through but only made it once. I should have known better:)
Vanesza G.
super strong love vashikaran