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A Deadly Car Accident Turns Into a Miraculous Recovery

Care flighted to a Trauma One Hospital where Dionne, highlighted member of Lauren's Playground, was in a horrific deadly car accident. They are lucky to be alive. Please read her story and if you feel at all compelled, here is a GoFundMe page set up to help her with expenses. 

Hi Lauren,

My spouse and I had flown to AZ to visit her mother on 9/2. We were there less than an hour when we got T-boned by a truck that ran a red light.  Luckily, all of us survived. I've attached pictures just so you can see how amazing that is.  

I was care flighted to a Trauma One Hospital and spent 6 days in ICU and 9 days on the Ortho floor recovering. I had a lacerated spleen, liver, and pancreas; fractured L4 disc; and, multiple broken ribs. They did emergency surgery to fix the lacerations when I first got there. While I was there I had to have another procedure to put a Stent in my pancreas because it was leaking enzymes. I still will have to have another procedure to get that removed.  

Anyway, I've had a near miraculous recovery. The nurses and PT staff were all impressed at how quickly I've been healing and been able to get up and start walking and moving around. I credit this to you and your program.  For the last two months I had only been using your workouts and, like I had said in my video, felt incredibly strong.  I cannot thank you enough for providing such well-balanced and strength promoting programs.  I truly credit my speedy recovery to you. 

My wife and I are now home and on the mend together. We are so grateful to be alive and to have met so many kind and amazing people while we went through this ordeal. You just happen to be one I met prior to it. 

Thank you so much!!!



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