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The Good.... The Bad.... The Real

Good morning! I don't know about you, but I love this time of year. This weekend we filmed our first workout for the new Shredder series for the Playground. We will be adding to this series every week. The beach this time of year is perfect and the coolest part about it, is it's quiet! I can't wait to bring my bells back next week and do another workout!

I apologize for not writing much over the past couple of weeks. We had some terrible news regarding our 14 month old dog Tank. He was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia lymphoma cancer and our vet as well as the Oncologist said it was terminal.The most difficult part about this is he's just a puppy and we all love him so much.
I'm not sharing this with you for any pity. I'm sharing this with you because I know just how hard life can be. I cried for hours on end when the specialist told me he probably has 1-3 months left to live. I tried to hold back the tears during the discussion. I hate crying in front of people. But suddenly the faucet of tears were turned on and I couldn't find the shut off valve. 

These types of challenges and heartaches definitely can throw you off track. Take you away from focusing on things like your own personal goals, business, kids and major responsibilities. Luckily I have the most amazing people surrounding me and I accepted their love. Love lifts you up and carries you through. I've learned to reach out and be transparent with my feelings. It's not always easy to pick yourself back up and keep going. 

5 Key Elements for not going down the dark hole and staying above water

"The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity." Ulysses S. Grant

1. Spend time with friends and lean on them during this time.  Get out of your own head and find out what other people are up to. We are all going through something. You'll find that you're not alone if you open up. 

2. Show up to your training/workouts. As much as I wanted to skip out on this and feel sorry for what we are going through, I forced myself to show up to my sessions. I felt fatigued from the draining feeling from not sleeping and crying, but I felt ten times better after the sessions

3. Talk to a professional who deals with loss, grief and lifes challenges. Whether it's a pastor, rabbi, spiritual counselor or life coach. Find someone to talk to that can help give you hope and find tools to give you strength. You can't figure it out all on your own. People need people!

4. Sit still and just be. As busy as life gets, try and carve out some time to unplug. Your mind and body need a break. Listening to soundscapes or some relaxing meditative music can really rejuvenate your thinking

5. Take a walk by yourself. Walking does wonders for your psyche. It's like feeding your minf, body & soul with energy. I get my best ideas and problem solving from taking walks, especially when done outside in nature. 



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