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It Matters Where You Are NOW!

Have you ever reminisced about how you use to be? Maybe how skinny you looked or athletic you were in your 20's? I can't tell you how many times I've had a student come to me and say "I use to be in such great shape...." or "I use to be so strong..." Here is the problem with holding on to these "use to be" feelings. They are gone and don't exist anymore. In fact this mentality could be holding you back. Your body and mind is completely different today. Things change and the workout along with the eating patterns which may have worked for you in the past, most likely won't have the same effect now. If you hold on to the "how you once were" mentality then it's very hard to move forward and grow.

They key of knowing where to go and how to get better, is to know where you are NOW! Never jump in to something thinking you are the same person from the past or assuming you are some where that you may not be. Have I lost you? Am I making any sense?  Are you checking in with yourself to find out where you are starting from? Every day is a new day which gives you an opportunity to grow. If you're not sure how to check yourself then reach out to a professional for help in this department. This is for anything! Whether it be mental health, fitness, nutrition, skill learning or internal health, your body changes and so do you!

Speaking of reminiscing, today marks the one year anniversary of resigning from SFG Senior position from StrongFirst. It's been one helluva ride since! I do miss the old days sweating and learning along side with the best of them. Many since then have also moved on and luckily we still keep in touch! I still get to enjoy working with students all over the world to help them pass their certification whether it be SFG, RKC, or SMK along with any other fitness goals they're striving for thanks to distant coaching. I realized it's important to evaluate your life and make sure wherever you are is still working for you. If not, make it better, fix it or move on!

Deep breaths! Now for the fun light stuff! Valentine's Day is coming up and we thought it would be a good idea to give you 40% off on any of our follow along Kettlebell Workout DVD and Streaming Videos. Just enter the code: valentine  today and it will work for the next few days. It's that simple!
Final thoughts: Always check yourself with the basic fundamentals before adding complex movements. Be smart! Use good judgement! Most of all HAVE FUN!


Huge Valentine's Day 40% off sale starts NOW!! 

CODE: valentine

Works for all of our DVD's and our Streaming Workout Videos.



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