I recently wrote an article called Shut Up and Train, which can be seen in the upcoming June/July edition of
My Mad Methods Magazine that is on sale now. The philosophy of this magazine is based upon the concept of Unconventional training. This speaks to me on a personal level since I didn't grow up in a conventional way. In fact, I had quite an unconventional childhood and have continued this way in to my adult life. Many may think this could scar a child or cause instability due to being raised under different circumstances than the typical American family. Becoming the product of an unconventional upbringing has carried over in to a profound way of adapting easily. Thinking outside the box and has allowed me to embrace these methods of training as a way of life with an openmind. Shut Up and Train is an attitude driven article from the past 14 years I've been listening to every excuse in the book of why one doesn't commit to training. It's taken me this long to truly understand how the mind works towards "exercising" or which I like to call training. Quick side note: A blog post on Training versus Exercise is coming real soon so stay tuned. The article in this magazine is designed to give you the tools to get motivated, trash the excuses and show up. With a very tough love approach, I bring to you "
Shut Up and Train" in My Mad Methods Magazine. There is currently a discounted price for the entire online or hard copy edition that includes some powerful pieces from some of the top female coaches. On top of great training information,
Shut Up & Train Tank Top - Lauren Brooks
GET YOUR TANK TOP NOW before they sell out
This is the first
official My Mad Methods Contributor Apparel piece. It's a workout tank
top featuring a saying by Lauren Brooks, "Shut Up & Train." Get
yours now!
This Dark Grey and Magenta Unconventional Fitness Tank
Top. This is a Magenta/Pink screenprint on a Dark Grey tri-blend
American Apparel Racerback Tank. Perfect for working out.
You are a true inspiration!
Vol.1 is more Pilates type, lean body... Vol. 2 and 3 you look bigger, more defined.
Has your training completely changed?
There are some days where I don't feel like training but then I search articles and stories that interest me and before you know it. the motivation returns