Now on Sale for pre-order. Be the first to order your copy of the only pregnancy DVD that gives you the option to use a kettlebell. Check out the trailer below.
The first workout DVD designed specifically for pregnant women that incorporates kettlebells!
This DVD will help you to stay fit and healthy throughout your pregnancy. All exercises on this DVD provide you with the option to utilize kettlebells, dumbbells, or your body weight depending upon your level of comfort.
DVD Features
- 3 Section Follow Along workout including modifications for all levels and stages of pregnancy
-Warm Up with Joint Mobility exercises
- Cool Down section with safe stabilizing and stretching exercises
- Easy navigation features throughout the DVD
Running time 42 minutes
You can order your copy right here
Can I be your first customer????
Things are moving quickly around here, which is a surprising thing.
Hope you and your family are doing well!!
Things are going well. Any day baby #2 will be here. And yes, Lyla turns 2 this Friday. I just hope I don't have this baby on her birthday. 8-)
That's great that you and your husband are taking that step. It's pretty crazy, but I wouldn't change anything. You will be able to use the first DVD at least until you are 14 weeks. But it really all depends on how your pregnancy goes.
You can try the other one as well it just might not be as challenging. 8-) Good luck!!!
Super high quality.......and what a cool background!
And congrats on having another girl! I have my ultrasound next week but we probably won't find out the gender. I'm really hoping for another girl. And I'm due just a few weeks before Lily's second b-day. We have so many things in common :)
Wow we do have lots in common! A girl name Lily and almost 2. My Lyla is 2 on Jan 23rd. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am so sorry you have been so sick but glad you are feeling better. As long as you have the doctors approval to start exercising again, Baby Bells DVD has great modifications. You can use a very light weight or even no weight if that's what your body is telling you to do. I have provided alternatives for many of the exercises to keep it "light" when necessary.
Hope that helps with your decision to get yourself back in to moving again. Getting back in the swing of things will start making you feel better. Good luck with your ultrasound. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have more questions. Lauren@socaltrainer.com
Take care,
(Random, I know)
I'm 5' 3. Very small girl!