Last week we went to Mammoth. Since it was late in the season we were able to get a fantastic deal on an amazing ski in ski out condo on the mountain side. This is the nicest accomodations I have ever had in Mammoth. We shared a 2 bed/2 bath condo with good friends of ours and their little 11 month old. This worked out so nicely because we took turns snowboarding and watching each other's kids.
When we arrived I could not believe the beauty of this place. I have been to Mammoth about 10 times in my life and I never get tired of the surroundings. Anyone who has kids knows how stressful packing is. You have 5 times more stuff than you ever did in your life. Extra toys, bottles, portable crib, stroller, humidifier, diapers, etc.... Our 3 day trip looked like we were going away for a month. We packed the car up to it's maximum capacity. Good thing we drove because there was no way we could bring all of this stuff and fly somewhere. Anyway, I left in a frantic, because I had been stressing all week about different projects I have underway. I was anxious all week with the amount of work I had on my shoulders. But when I arrived in Mammoth all that stress, tension, and anxiety just drifted away. I can not describe what serenity and peace this place brought to me. Just breathing the fresh air, looking at the gorgeous mountain views, being with my little family and great friends was all I needed to relax. Oh and I can't forget the snowboarding that was right at my finger tips. 8-) My favorite activity!
I have decided that it's imperative that I do a trip like this at least once a year. Lyla seemed to have a great time in her cute little snow outfit checking out the snow for the first time. I can't wait to get her started on a mini snowboard. Her and Gianna were sooo adorable playing together. Just watching them together really makes me think I should give her a sister or brother in the near future. 8-)
Now to discuss kettlebells. I had about 2 hour windows of snowboarding both days. And each day I boarded as much as I could for those several hours. I am proud to say not once did my legs get tired or sore. I hardly even snowboard anymore because it just does not fit in my lifestyle at this time. My form and speed remained about the same. I have to give the credit to my body weight exercises and kettlebell training. Before I started training with bells, no questions asked, I would be very sore and shaky the next day after not boarding for awhile. I'm telling you that training the right way ABSOLUTELY helps your snowboarding skills. You can go down longer runs without feeling the burn and really do nice carves in the snow with lots of power. It was amazing!! I was worried that my snowboarding skills would go down the toilet since I have not been consistent for the past 4 years. I am happy to say they have maintained nicely. I have gotten a little more timid over the years because I have more at stake now. If I launch off a jump and severely injure myself I won't be able to work or be their for my family. I decided to throw in the towel and bust out my helmet this year. I never wanted to do it, but if some crazy person knocks me out while I'm speeding down a mountain I might as well protect the noggin.

New priorities! Make at least 2-3 days for yourself to do something that takes your stress away and gives you absolute joy! Keep your kettlebell training up so that you can enjoy your other activities with a powerful start!
It's definitely hard to think of having another, but how cute would it be. Isn't it worth all the sleepless and sick nights??
Ahh thanks. Yes I am very glad I made that time. It kept me sane. 8-)
I know she is getting big so fast. It's scary how time can fly by so fast. Ben seems to be doing okay at the moment. Thanks for asking. 8-)
I hope you are doing well. I read one of your posts. That was brave of you for being so brutally honest. I know you will get through this!
very glad to hear that about Ben.
Thanks very much for your very kind words and for believing in me too.
Lyla is precious!!!!
I left a message on your blog about BF and body fat. I have had the same struggle with losing that last bit. i am totally athletic, gained 27 lbs in preg. and RAN during my preg as well as lifting weights and eating Gluten free as well. I have been breastfeeding my daughter now for 7 1/2 mos and wondering why this last bit hasn't come off. Did you find that last bit came off after weaning?
I received your message on the breastfeeding post and responded. Feel free to check on that post. Contact me at so we can discuss it more in depth!