Having Trouble With Your Kettlebell Clean? Part 1 & 2 now available on this blog post Cleaning up your Kettlebell Clean - Part 1 I remember like it was yesterday! 13 years ago I was trying to master the Kettlebell Clean. The instruction was to stand in front of the bell, reach back to the floor, thrust your hips forward and spear your hand through the bell, with hardly any arm usage. Well let me tell you what this resulted in, beautiful black and blue bruises all over my arms. I wasn't the only one! This was pre facebook and well before instagram. With blogging being the leading way to connect with others using kettlebells at the time, boy did I see some photos of battle wounds from people attempting cleans and snatches. This definitely wasn't the best marketing tool to get people involved in using kettlebells. After months of practice and finally understanding that you have to really create a nice rotation with the bell and your arm as if you're r...
Lauren's secrets to Smart Training, Eating, and Living with real authentic stories of inspiration along the way.